[hider=The Uneasy Meeting] It only took a few minutes for the council to gather in Andris’s bedchambers. Everyone was now present. Maror, Ian, Dilys and Freya. Frajera was also there standing by Andris’ side. “What is the nature of this meeting my lord?” questioned Ian. “Yes I would like to know as well.” Said Freya. “Was your meeting with this so called necromancer successful?” asked Dilys.” Andris said nothing his mind was in thought in another place. He was questioning himself as to whether this meeting was a good idea. He then felt the soft and tender touch upon his shoulder. “Andris?” It was Fajera. He could see the worry in her face. He knew that she could tell something was off. He could feel the uncertainty in air. “My apologies.” He said “Yes I indeed meet the man himself.” “Is that all?” asked Ian with some annoyance. “Then why have you kept this hidden for so long, and why are we here instead of the throne room?” “I understand your frustration Lord Mazeltof.” Said Andris, trying to calm him down “But please hear me out. I did indeed meet this man who calls himself a necromancer. He boasts a power that is beyond my understanding. He claims that the rumours are indeed true. He says that he can bring life back to an army of the dead.” The others didn’t know what to say to this. Maror knew that he could trust Andris despite the ludicrous claims. The two of them had gone through many things to not trust him now. Freya was more unsure, while necromancers did exist she had only ever heard of them being able to resurrect a couple dozen at most.The Mazeltofs were the most sceptical but it was Ian who spoke up first. “My lord. Are you sure that the day’s sun has not affected you?” he asked “How can you be sure that what you saw was indeed the truth. This man could be a simple trickster hoping for a chance to earn some easy coin.” “Or an agent of the empire, waiting for the right moment to place a dagger in your back” Dilys added “I understand your scepticism”. Said Andris trying to reassure all of them “But what I saw with my own eyes is proof that this man is who he says he is. But if that is not enough, then I have proof of this power with me.” Everyone stood in shock to hear this. How was this possible? Andris took a few seconds. He knew that there was no turning back once he showed them the truth. He grabbed his cloak and then revealed his skeletal arm. The whole room gasped in shock. Maror had his sword unsheathed to protect himself in case the sinister magic tried to claim him. Freya stood in sheer shock, Dilys almost screamed out of sheer fear weren’t it not that her brother was beside her. Ian himself was frozen to the spot. Frajera took a couple of steps away from her husband. Fear had overtaken the entire council. “What kind of magic is this?!” Frajera barely asked. Andris turned to his wife to see the sheer terror in her eyes. “A magic that can win us the war and reclaim not only our homeland but all of our allies as well.” Andris said trying to reassure them all. While Frajera, Maror and Freya were slowly coming to terms with the new addition to Andris’ person, the Mazeltofs were not convinced. Fear still ruled over Dilys while Ian could only look on in disgust. “But at what price!?” shouted Ian. “Would you lead us to further ruin with this black magic”?! “You are corrupted, cursed with Hystix’s magic” Dilys added “Hold you your tongue!” ordered Maror with his sword still in his hand ready to defend Andris’ honour. “Stand down Maror.” With his left hand raised. He sought to calm the situation but he could see that the Mazeltofs were shaken. “I understand your fear Lord and Lady Mazeltof. Believe me this is still strange even for myself but with this magic we will take back your kingdom and I promise you will see your sisters once again.” Andris could see that despite his words that they were still unnerved and disgusted. He sighed. “You are both free to take your leave.” And with that the Mazeltofs swiftly left the chamber. “Maror, Lady Neptuna I thank you. You may go as well.” Freya simply nodded her head, her brow furrowed while Maror simply said “You’re welcome.” The two of them left Andris and Frajera in their chambers. For a few seconds there was nothing but silence. Andris could feel the uneasiness between the two of them. “Frajera I…” he tried to say before Frajera interrupted him. “Show me your arm.” She ordered him. He knew it was fruitless to disobey her. He raised his arm for her. She was hesitant at first but eventually she held the arm in her hands. She tried to be careful with it in case it caused her husband any pain. But he reassured her that she did not need to worry. She continued to examine the arm. She was astounded by the sight of it. Andris watched as she moved her hands up and down the arm. He was unable to feel the soft and tender feeling of her hands that he had come to know in their years together. Thinking back to better times nearly brought him to tears. “Frajera.” He said while taking one of her hands in his human hand. “I know that you are afraid but I’m doing this for us, for Afdul and the girls. With this we’ll be able to go back home.” Frajera looked into his eyes and saw the sincerity within them. “Andris. You are my husband. No matter what happens. I will never leave your side. If you believe that this power will let us win then I believe in you.” She said her voice shaking as she spoke. Out of instinct Andris reached out to touch Frajera’s face with his other hand, forgetting that it was now nothing more than a skeletal imitation of what he once had, causing Frejera to pull away. She looked at Andris, then at his arm before leaving the room. [/hider] [hider=Victory] The battlefield was covered with thousands of corpses, the sky was blood red and the moon was as black as night but still illuminating the distant sun. Among the corpses were people he recognised, Nizaar, Patrick, Isabel, Claus and the Blackwells. But also those he had never seen before, a red haired woman, a knight of the church, a young elven girl and two Seikatsu nobles . Nothing was alive except for Andris Mandarass and Alasdair De Reimer. Alasdair, the High King, the Snake, Conqueror, Coward. He had many names but they would matter little in a few moments. Andris walked towards Alasdair who was moving away only trip over a dead De Reimer soldier. The fear in his eyes was overwhelming it was amusing to Andris see him such a lowly and pitiful state. “It’s been a long time coming De Reimer. You won’t believe how long I’ve waited for this moment.” Alasdair tried to crawl away over the countless bodies of his allies but it was hopeless his body was failing him out of sheer fear. He turned to face Andris. Andris could clearly hear the fear in his voice. “You have claimed your victory Lord Mandarass. I’ll give you anything you desire.” Alasdair quickly grabbed the crown that was on his head and held it out for Andris to take. “I’ll make you king. I can give you all the gold that Formaroth has to offer. I can give you anything that you desire, just spare me please!” “Anything?” asked Andris. “Yes anything!” pleading Alasdair. “There’s only one thing I want from you Alasdair De Reimer.” As he said this Andris knelt over Alasdair and then clasping his hand on Alasdair’s head. Alasdair knew his end was nigh but still hopelessly was begging for his life. “I! WANT! YOUR! BLOOD!!!” shouted Andris in a demonic voice. And as he said this he dug his thumbs into Alasdair’s eyes. Screams filled the battlefield. Andris knew that Alasdair was in immense pain but he didn’t care, he wanted the pain to last as long as possible. It was what the bastard deserved. Andris didn’t know how much time had passed but every second was filled with the screams of Alasdair. It was delicious and it was time to end it. With great ease he tore Alasdair’s head apart. The blood splattered across his face and then the rain came but in the form of droplets of blood. Andris stood to look over the battlefield. Only he stood triumphant. It was finally over. He had achieved victory. He looked up towards the moon with his hands raised mumbling the incantation that had made him a god amongst men. One by one the corpses raised up and bowed to their new king. No their new god. Giles, Eli, Patrick, the now headless body of Alasdair, they all now bowed to him. Andris lowered his head his eyes were now nothing but darkness. They were the blackest of black that could be ever conceived. He would now bring a new age of man. The age of Mandarass. [/hider] [hider=The Choice] Andris had awoken to a lightning storm. He was in a cold sweat. It was one of the few times in his life he had been completely overwhelmed with fear. He could see that Fajera was undisturbed. She could always sleep through near anything and for that he envied her. He then looked to his skeletal arm, a month had passed since the meeting with the war council but for Andris the time had gone swiftly. Andris now used garments and a glove to hide his new arm. Though thanks to the Mazeltofs most of the alliance know knew of Andris’ arm. Still he thought best to cover it up so as not to disturb his allies any further. But then he noticed something that was not on his arm before. Inscribed in the bone was a message. It only read. “The time has come to make your choice.” He knew what this meant, but before he could think about it the message had disappeared. He quietly got out of bed as not to disturb Fajera from her sleep. He grabbed a robe to cover himself up and quietly left the chamber. Andris wandered around the castle till he eventually reached the throne room. There was no one in sight. Then suddenly a voice called out. “So have you made your decision Lord Andris?” Andris turned to see the old man himself. “I have but first I want to ask you something.” “Let me guess, you wish to know my name. I would tell you but my name is lost to the sea of time. But to make it easier for you can call me… Zilak. “Zilak? Very well then. As to your offer. I am welcome to an alliance between you and myself. But beware that if there is any trickery I will kill you myself. Once this war is over our alliance will come to an end.” “I understand my lord. My services are at your full disposal but as I said my magic alone is not enough to ensure your victory. That is what I have to discuss with you.” “Very well then out with it. What is it that you wish to discuss?” “I am sure a man was well read as yourself is familiar with the legend of Adamar ‘The undead king of Beilokias’?” “Adamar”? Andris replied “The arch sorcerer who turned on the imperium? According to the stories he was the most powerful necromancer who ever lived, able to raise over a thousand undead”. At this Zilak spat at the ground. His spit was blackened and bloody. “He was nothing more than an amateur who at most could barely raise a hundred undead” Zilak said angrily “However through blood magic he was able to enhance his skills and fooled the world into thinking he was gifted” Zilak finished with a bitter laugh “Tell me what you know of blood gems”. “I know nothing of what you say, I do not possess much knowledge when it comes to matters of the arcane” Andris replied. “That is understandable. Blood gems are not well known even amongst the magic community. They are a source of great power and it was through one of these gems Adamar was able to increase his power and ingrain himself in legend. The first to create them were the elves, but after the incident with Adamar along with other side effects the gems had on elves they foolishly destroyed any that had been made along with any work on how to create them. “And if you were to obtain one of these gems?” asked Andris. “I could make you an army of unkillable soldiers in the tens of thousands. With that power you would be one step closer to your victory over your enemies”. Zilak said with a smile. “Fascinating.” Andrew pondered think of the capabilities of such a power. “Do you have an idea of where we could obtain some of these gems.?” asked Andris curiously “As you said the elves destroyed all of theirs”? “I do my lord.” Answered Zilak “I have heard rumours that a high magister in Formaroth has made a breakthrough in the arcane arts. According to what I have heard they have developed a source of great magical power that resembles a red gem. However this is all just rumours for now, I know not of who this is nor where they might be. “Perhaps I can get my spies to gather some information.” Said Andris. “Then I leave it to you my lord.” Said Zilak in a voice of delight. “You look tired, it’s not a good thing for a king to be tired you know.” Zilak started to walk across the throne room towards a window on the far side. “Wait! How will I be able to summon you when the time comes?” Andris called “You already have the tool to do so.” Said Zilak. Andris didn’t understand at first but then he looked at his skeletal arm. “When the time comes you will know how to summon me.” Zilak said as he opened the window and stepped out onto the ledge. Andris was about to ask what he was doing before Zilak jumped from the ledge. Andris rushed over to the window expecting to see the necromancers corpse splattered across the ground. Instead as he peered out into the darkness he saw nothing on the floor. As he looked out across the horizon his jaw dropped in shock. As a flash of lightning lit up the night sky Andris could Zilak riding what looked like some sort of giant zombified bird. Soon the the lighting passed and Zilak was gone. [/hider]