"They haven't given up on me yet, they still hope to cure me." Benjamin sighed, he wasn't sure if that was good or bad. As long as they hoped he could be cured they would nag about therapy, but if they would give up and want to prove he was insane, he'd never leave this place. He would be trapped here forever. He cleared his throat. "Right," he quickly said, pushing back the uncomfortable thoughts before they would get a hold on him. "Let's draw something together." He paused. "Well, after Ari, and me excusing to the staff for missing group therapy, and the meeting with the psychiatrist." He laughed a bit, rubbed the back of his head. "My afternoon seems to be pretty full already." Marc watched Sara go and went to the catatonic patient. While she was unresponsive, she did react to food or liquids and managed to chew and swallow just fine. "Hello Carol," he said, sitting down at the table. "We have a wonderful lunch for you." He looked at the tray that was placed on the table. All mixed food of course, they didn't dare risking giving her solid food to eat. Geoffry just muttered things under his breath, barely audible. When the tray was placed in front of him he took the ergonomic fork with the big handle, but his hand shook so much he wasn't able to scoop up any food.