[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/JcNWh8K.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/bBbxZXl.png[/img][/center][hr] [indent][indent][color=708090]Millenia ago, before the age of man, the Zeo Crystal of Earth was under the protection of the original Power Rangers: Zordon and his team. However, they were betrayed by the Green Ranger, Rita Repulsa. Intending to take over the universe, Rita stabbed her team in the back, leaving only Zordon alive. Having to think and act quickly, Zordon hid the Power Coins that gave the Rangers their powers, and ordered Alpha-5, his robotic assistant, to rain fire on the planet. The desperate move worked, sending Rita barreling to the bottom of the ocean, though at a great cost. The meteor strike triggered an extinction level event, bringing an end to the era of dinosaurs and Zordon himself. The Power Rangers, the Power Coins, and yes, even Alpha-5 were lost to the sands of time. Now, there are brief rumblings of power throughout the Earth, dismissed as earthquakes by the humans. Alpha-5, however, knows better. Rita Repulsa is regaining her strength sixty million years later. The planet needs their Power Rangers, now more than ever. Even though they don’t know it yet, five teenagers are being called to by the Power Coins and the Morphing Grid… Will they heed the call before it’s too late?[/color][/indent][/indent]