[h1]The Silent Desert[/h1] [h3]Kyla Vondin, San Anin, and Bryethe Farlance[/h3] [hr] [hr][right]3647 BBY[/right] The starfighter rocketed through the Tython sky, its jets firing flames as Kyla aggressively flew towards the Silent Desert. Below the ship the plains of Tython expanded below them, the chaos caused by the dark sided aligned arrival shaking the planet to its core. The foul looking clouds in the skies exhaled storms across the planet, Force filled lightning slamming into the breathtaking mountains the Jedi duo had passed on their way back to the temple. [i]The Valiant[/i] shook fiercely under the battlemaster’s guidance, but remained steady on course. “Hold on!” Kyla exclaimed as flash of lightning slammed mere feet from the side of the ship. She was no ace pilot but her training in the Force gave her an advantage in chaotic situations like this. [i]The Valiant[/i] twisted and spun as Kyla maneuvered with the controls, clearing them through the mountain range as well as the storms which rage across it. A frown danced its way across Kyla’s face, the sight of such a beautiful world in total anarchy was something which did not sit well with her. The arrival of just one powerful dark sider was enough to trigger such a brutal unbalance. What if the Sith discover the world and send their forces? She stopped herself from delving into those terrifying thoughts. She forced herself to clear her mind and continue pushing them ahead. The desert came into view, a welcome sight. “San, how are you holding on back there?” Kyla asked her padawan, hopefully the girl hadn’t vomited inside of her breathing mask. The padawan let out a rather annoyed sound before answering her master in an equally annoyed tone, “I can’t meditate in these conditions!” San Anin let out yet another groan, as she attempted to clear her mind of all the dark thoughts that would creep up due to the turmoil the planet was facing. Yet, it would always bring back the same two memories of dying Jedi, and she fought all she could to repress the memories rather than accept that either of them had happened. It continued to be a problem that clouded her senses and the anger and sadness of not being able to do enough welled within her. San Anin knew that such feelings needed to be controlled, but it was hard on her young and inexperienced mind. “This storm is making it too hard!” she complained. “We’re getting clear of the Force storms. The desert seems much more peaceful,” Kyla stated calmly. “Try to think of the light, San. You are strong in the Force, it's why I brought you along for this dangerous mission. We shall end this chaos soon, and bring peace back to the world.” The starfight’s flight calmed as they flew over the desert, seemingly endless miles of sand below them. The lack of sound was something which always struck the battlemaster deeply. The ever shifting sands nullified most noise, giving the desert its name as well as an eerie, peaceful feel. As they drifted deeper into the wastes the Force called out to them both, signaling they were drawing nearer. “Do you hear that San? We are getting close.” Kyla said, her eyes glancing at the vast dunes and shifting sandy emptiness below them. There wasn’t much else either of them could hear as they flew above the soundless desert plains. The sands evident with movement from some enormous creature. Its presence in the darkness unsettling to the battlemaster. “I do not like that feeling,” San said, looking at the sands they now passed over, the evident movement very much disturbing the padawan. The Kel Dor let out another sigh, as much as she wanted to clear her mind, she felt that she would not have the time to do so properly. Her gaze shifted to master, trying to gauge what she felt though failing to with the lack of concentration evident in her mind. “It’s bizarre, the silence. We must persevere, the Force is with us. Allow yourself to bask in the light side, let it break through all the chaos of the world and reach you.” Kyla stated softly but clearly, slowing down [i]the Valiant’s[/i] mad rush across the planet. Wind kicked up around them, causing the sturdy starfighter to shake but still under the battlemaster’s control. Where the Force felt the strongest is where she decided to set down her ship, gently with a delicate precision. The thrusters shivered, lowering in intensity as the star fighter descended from the darkened skies. The eeriness of the total silence outside of the vessel hit Kyla hard. She closed her eyes briefly as the landing gear deployed and [i]the Valiant[/i] made a safe landing. The only sounds which entered her ears were the gentle hum of the engines and her own breathing. She glanced back towards San Anin, then nodded slowly. “Stay close San. If you notice anything unusual, tell me immediately.” Kyla said firmly, her eyes flicking back behind them. In the far distance were more Jedi ships closing in on their destination. It was ideal backup, the Order knew the chaos on the planet had to end immediately. The ride over Tython towards the desert was rough. There were a few instances Brye had thought control to the shuttle had been lost, yet the ship recovered and the team continued on their way. From a distance the desert seemed calm unlike the rest of Tython. The shuttle moved in to land, many of its passengers observing the shifting sand below. As everything seemed clear and the shuttle began its descent, grains of sand began to fly every which way. Suddenly a burst of wind whipped across the desert, followed by harsher and harsher winds and sand. The shuttle was forced off-balance and its engines began to fail at the sudden change of position. Sand suddenly clogged the shuttle's systems, stalled the engines, and covered the sight shield. Warning alarms sounded, red lights flashed, the last thing Brye heard was, "Brace yourselves!" The shuttle hit the ground fast, causing sand to fly as it impacted. The ship slid a few yards before finally coming to rest, smoke starting to rise from the wreckage. Luckily Brye stayed alert through the wreck, for as soon as the shuttle came to a stop many of the Jedi were moving, helping each other to get out. One of the bent shuttle doors was forced open and the team members quickly began to emerge from the wreckage. Bryethe got out quickly, wiping off blood that emerged from various cuts on her forehead, cheeks, and the bridge of her nose she had just sustained in the crash. Her mind remained clear though, for as soon as she emerged from the wreckage she scanned the area for Master Vondin all the while helping the rest of the team of Jedi out of the wreckage. Kyla’s eyes went wide as she took notice of the sudden sandstorm. As nearest shuttle disappeared in the terrifying gusts of dirt and rock she popped the cockpit open. Then the battlemaster unbuckled herself and leaped out. Her boots hit the sand and she stood firmly. She had not been to the desert in some time, she forgot how oddly soft the terrain felt. If it weren’t for the ravenous sandstorm dragging the shuttle to the ground she’d have taken time to admire the beauty of the shifting dunes and plains. “San, come on!” Kyla shouted, then realized her voice could not be heard. No noises could be in the open desert. She tried pointlessly to scream again, her mouth forming words but only silence emerged. Instead she grasped San by the arm, and gently held her padawan’s hand as the shuttle slammed into the ground. Dirt kicked up as it made contact with the surface, shooting more sand up into the rapid winds. Kyla prayed that no one was killed, as the crash looked gruesome. They always did. Her mind went back to all of the crashes she’d seen during the war. Vessels dragged to the ground in total chaos, many in fiery explosions of smoke and flame. Screams of dying men filling the air. The stench, god, she’d almost forgotten the smell of burnt corpses. The battlemaster let out a deep breath, blinked, then started towards the crash accompanied by her padawan. Her walk quickly turned into a jog, her feet moving rapidly across the open desert plain. Kyla let out a sigh of relief as she saw several Jedi emerge from the wreckage, some more hurt than others. A certain brown haired girl took her attention, and Kyla quickly realized it was the Grandmaster’s padawan, Bryethe. A confident smile sneaked its way onto her lips. The desert was eerily silent. Brye watched as her fellow Jedi moved from the wreckage, as the shuttle shifted in the sand and continued to collapse on itself. The Padawan hadn’t visited the desert very much in her lifetime, maybe once she could remember. The lack of sound was something unusual and uncomforting indeed. It didn’t take long for Brye to spot Kyla, as the Master Jedi had found her way over towards the shuttle, her Padawan San Anin in tow. Bryethe made sure no further help was needed from the wreckage before moving towards Kyla. The Padawan folded her arms respectfully behind her back as she stopped near the Master Jedi, bowing in respect before relaying her message. The Silent Desert didn’t get it’s name on a whim, Brye understood that much at least. So when she approached Kyla she didn’t attempt to speak. She held up one hand to her side, her fingers moving quickly in a manner that translated from hand signals to an unspoken language the Jedi used from time to time. [i]Master Uakro told me to find you. I arrived at the Temple not long ago and heard of the situation. I’m here to help you if you’d have me.[/i] Kyla raised an eyebrow at the girl’s hand signals, taking a moment to recall them. But once she did she instantly realized what Brye was saying without words. Jedi were ready for any scenario, even one in a noiseless desert. It was the most unsettling part of the planet to Kyla, even worse than deep down in the Rift. Sound was such a natural thing to every living being, removing it caused eerie feelings. The wind whipped around them without a noise, kicking up more sand as the battlemaster moved her hands rapidly, forming a wordless reply. [i]You’re welcome to join. Be warned it will be extremely dangerous. Stay alongside my padawan, San. I’ll lead the way. Is everyone okay from the shuttle crash?[/i] [i]Also where is Grandmaster Shan, were you with her?[/i] Kyla added, curious about the whereabouts of Satele at such a frightening time. If her padawan was back on Tython then Satele had to have been too. Brye glanced back at the crash when Kyla mentioned it. There had been one or two Jedi seriously injured, to the point of a broken bone or concussion. Luckily most of the small team had made it through the crash with minor injuries. Brye was reminded of the cuts on her face as the wind whipped sand into them, making them sting. Brye nodded firstly, indicating she understood Kyla's instructions. [i]A healthy majority of us are alright. Just minor injuries. There are one or two who were not so lucky.[/i] Bryethe paused again as another strong guest whipped sand all around them, the young Padawan shielding her eyes with her free hand as she continued to answer Kyla's questions. [i]Master Shan stopped at the Orbital Station. She should be at the Temple soon. I could sense that she had some other business to attend to.[/i] Brye explained, lastly referring to the tension she had felt through their bond before leaving the Orbital Station. [i]Better than I expected, it looked worse from my view. The other Jedi are on the way to help the survivors. Grandmaster Shan has her own dealings, I am certain she will return to Tython soon enough. But for now it is up to us to fix this mess.[/i] Kyla replied, her fingers turning, hands flickering around as she signaled her reply. Then she motioned with her hand for both padawans to follow her lead. Ahead of them sat a strange sandstone dome, as the winds of sand swirled around the Jedi trio. As they walked closer to the structure she felt a chill go down her spine. There was still so much on Tython the Order had yet to uncover. The Force hummed around the dome, amplifying the unsettling feeling in her bones. The desert terrain around them continued to shift, echoing the chaos of the rest of the world. Towering tornado like sandstorms screeched silently across the dunes on the horizon. Kyla wrapped her fingers around a hand of both the padawans accompanying her. Her grip tightened as they drew closer and closer, the sand more akin to snow as the armored Jedi had to drag her feet through it. The silence of the scene only increased the uncomfortableness of the situation, leaving Kyla with a strange and frightening sense of loneliness. Behind them in the distance the other ships circled above, trying not to get caught in the rippling sandstorms. The only clear section of the desert seeming to be the area around the mysterious dome. Before the three Jedi the entrance sat in their sights, causing Kyla to give a glance of silent confidence at both the padawans beside her. San Anin glanced back at her Master before looking to her friend, Bryethe, in order to process the events despite the Force working against her mind. She could hardly think properly, and the days events continued to weigh heavily on her mind, though the appearance of her friend and the confidence of her master did ease her mind, even if only a little. With her free hand, the Kel Dor drew the hilt of her lightsaber, keeping it ready in case any more surprises decided to come their way. After all, preparation was key, even when the mind did not sit soundly.