[color=lightcyan][center][indent][indent][img]https://i.imgur.com/z1mjh9w.gif[/img][/indent][/indent][/center] [indent][indent][hr][center][sub][b]A Collaboration Post with [@SpicyMeatball] featuring [color=teal]Kavi Salvador[/color] & [color=ec008c]April Foster[/color][/b][/sub][/center][hr]In between the rotating door of partygoers who decided to come and go near where Kavi was and felt the need to offer him some sort of shot or ask him to drink with him, the host of this year’s Halloween party was well on his way to being hammered. His sense of direction and ability to walk in a straight line had started to become compromised and he didn’t like it. Not because he didn’t enjoy drinking. Kavi thoroughly enjoyed the taste of any and all alcohol, but it was the effects it had on him that wasn’t all that favorable. And as he took a turn around, bumping into the table just slightly, he was able to witness first hand -- and in the second row -- to the carnage that was happening at his wonderful beer pong table. People talking about others’ mothers and Aiden getting laid out. And as if that wasn't bad enough, Santiago using that as a distraction to leave with Astraia? Wait, that couldn’t be right. [color=teal]“Isn’t he with..”[/color] Kavi’s thought trailed off into silent thought. If he was here, then April had to be somewhere close by. So he scanned the back patio and sadly, nowhere was April to be found. Part of him was glad for that. He didn’t like Santiago one bit and disliked him even more now that he chose to leave with Astraia of all people, but he had nothing against April. There was nothing about the girl that rubbed him the wrong way. He still really enjoyed the memories of their homecoming date. It may have resulted in him having a suspended license, but damn it if it wasn’t a fun night. Totally worth all of the hell that came after. Soon he arrived at the conclusion that April wasn’t in the back patio area, so walking slowly, Kavi stumbled into the house, moving his way past even drunker partiers -- some that he knew and some that he had no idea they went to KA. Eventually, after making his way through the Halloween costume-clad crowd, he was in the clear where he found himself by the stairs and sitting on the third one from the bottom was April and she didn’t look like she was having a good time. That was when Kavi plopped himself next to her, albeit a tad sloppier than he thought he would. His body was more obtuse and his body covered more of the stairs than April’s did, but he smiled at her. [color=teal]“Been searching high and low for you, ya know.”[/color] He said in a drunken laugh. To say April was in a shitty mood was one hell of an understatement. For around half an hour know, she’d been watching Santiago from a dark hallway, just outside of where the rest of the party-goers had congregated. She’d spectated the entirety of what had gone down, from the super competitive drunk beer pong game to Julie randomly stripping down and sliding into the pool. But the part that had really pissed her off, was once again seeing Santiago wander off with another girl. It was a damn near perfect repeat of what had happened at the beginning of the year, except this time she had the advantage. Santiago had no clue that April had joined the party. Had he been even the least bit observant, he would’ve noticed April’s practically trademarked white Maserati parked not thirty feet from the entrance to Kavi’s place. Knowing Santiago however, she knew that he wouldn’t pay attention to it. Not with so many attractive distractions present. She couldn’t even have a drink to calm herself down or to forget about the entire thing. Why the fuck did she ever get attached to that man-whore? [color=ec008c]“Have you now?”[/color] April turned towards an intoxicated Kavi, her head slightly cocked. [color=ec008c]“Then it appears my entrance wasn’t unnoticed like I had intended.”[/color] April turned back towards the crowd, shooting a venomous glare to the spot she’d seen Santiago and Yessi disappear to not five minutes before. Many ideas were running through April’s vindictive mind. What could she do to absolutely ruin their night? What was the most damage she could do that was within the law? Hell, was she willing to [i]break the law[/i] to get back at the Devil of King’s Academy? It likely wasn’t out of the question. [color=ec008c]“So, why exactly were you looking for me anyway?”[/color] April inquired, her gaze not leaving the crowd in front of them. Kavi wondered if she knew about Santiago. He knew that idiot wasn’t really subtle and her being by the stairs meant she had the perfect vantage point to see just about everything that went on. He half-wanted to tell her, but she was already in such a foul mood from the way she didn’t bother looking at him that Kavi opted to not do that. [color=teal]“We haven’t really seen much of each other since homecoming. So I figured I’d come to find you and chat for a bit,”[/color] he said using his elbows to level his upper body some so he didn’t appear to be a total slob when speaking to April. [color=teal]“Or if you want to be left alone, that’s cool too. It just seems like you rather not be left alone?”[/color] He was guessing at this point. Deep down, Kavi wanted to check up on her but he didn’t want to really mention anything Santiago-related if he could help it. [color=ec008c]“Can I ask you something Kavi?”[/color] she said in a genuinely nice tone, looking to him with a slightly better expression on her face. Between homecoming and now, Kavi had actually shown more genuine care and interest towards her than Santiago by a landslide. And even again, on Halloween night--one of April’s favorite occasions because of all the fun with costumes--Kavi was there when Santiago didn’t even want her there. [color=ec008c]“Am I attractive as Yessi or Bea?”[/color] It sounded like such a stupid question as she said it, but it was too late to take it back now. While it likely wasn’t the best thing to be thinking, April had to wonder whether Santiago actually gave a shit about her more than he did about any other given girl at King’s Academy, or whether she was just another notch on his belt. She felt like an idiot, going back to him time after time only to have him pull the exact same shit he had pulled previously. [color=ec008c]“And I don’t mean that in a bad way towards either of them...well, maybe towards Yessi I guess...fuck, I don’t even know what I’m saying. And I haven’t even had anything to drink!”[/color] The brunette slumped her head down onto her arms, taking in a deep breath. Kavi had managed to sit up during April’s rant about Astraia and, surprisingly, of all people, Beatrice. He didn’t understand the mention of her but he knew, even in his somewhat intoxicated state that April must’ve seen Yessi and Santiago pass on by somewhere. At least it saved him the awkwardness of bringing it up, but that didn’t change anything. That idiot Santiago hurting a perfectly good one for Astraia. Kavi had a close and complicated relationship with Yessi, but it seemed coming back had done more harm than good. As Kavi just looked at April, he didn’t know what to say, well he did but the words wouldn’t come out just yet, so he put a hand on the nearest wrist it could find. [color=teal]“April,”[/color] he managed to say, [color=teal]“Yessi doesn’t hold a candle to you. And if that dumbass ex of yours can’t see that, then I say forget him. You can do much better than him.”[/color] Oh yeah, he could feel something churning in his stomach. Kavi had no way of knowing if it was guilt for being nice to anyone other than Ariel in a way that would look problematic at best, or butterflies for April that just made it all worse for outside eyes. [color=ec008c]“God, I wish it were that easy.”[/color] April said in a muffled voice, her head still tucked into her arms. There was a small part of April that wanted to leave it at that and say nothing more about the human growing inside of her. The human that she and Santiago had made. A larger part of her, however, wanted to scream it to the rooftops that she, April Lillian Foster, was pregnant with the Devil’s child. [color=ec008c]“You really think Yessi doesn’t hold a candle to me?”[/color] April brought her head back up, looking to Kavi with the yellow-red eyes made possible by her costume. [color=ec008c]“It...it just feels like no matter what I do he never really cares about me. Why do I bother?”[/color] she asked, though more to herself than to Kavi. [color=ec008c]“You think I should just ditch him?”[/color] she asked, the tone of her voice genuine but almost hesitant. April almost regretted asking, but at the same time, Santiago had done very little to actually support her. Every time there was a moment where she’d really needed him, Santiago would just go silent for a few days before returning as if nothing was wrong. Why the fuck should she stay with him? Apart from the fact that she was bearing [i]his fucking child[/i]--which didn’t seem to matter to him, his level of faithfulness hadn’t changed a bit--April had zero reasons to stay. Kavi, on the other hand, had been there for her multiple times. Maybe it was time for Santiago to see what it felt like to be cheated on. [color=teal]“Well..”[/color] Kavi couldn’t really find the words. No, that wasn’t true. He had the words but maybe it wasn’t his place to say them? He had a girlfriend who he loved a good deal. They had a fight but he loved her. Kavi loved Ariel and she loved him ...in her own way. So him telling someone else to dump their whatever Santiago was/is to April didn’t feel like it was his place, yet at the same time, nobody else was around and Kavi felt like he had to say something. Anything. He just had to say something. [color=teal]“He should be here with you instead of me, but he’s with Yessi. I will be here regardless of what you do, the Kavmiester is here for you, April O'Neil.”[/color] He patted her hand a couple more times for support and an added assurance. [color=ec008c]“I appreciate it Kavi. At least I can count on you.”[/color] April reached to grab Kavi’s hand, giving it a gentle squeeze before sending him a warm smile, a rather unsettling look with April’s makeup and contact lenses. Then, with a quick glance to the crowd in front of them to check for any on-lookers, April moved to push herself gently into Kavi. The small distance that had been between them before was no longer present. April looked into Kavi’s eyes, trying to read whether he was alright with the situation or not before closing her eyes and leaning in to kiss him rather passionately. Initially, Kavi was taken by surprise as his eyes widened when their lips had connected and there was a large part of him that kept poking him to cease and desist all actions. Think with the brain and heart and not the body part he left in charge of such decisions. He didn’t stop and for a long series of moments that were as slow as a tortoise, the passion lingered and Kavi had actually returned the kiss for a bit. His arms had reached around April’s head, his hands running themselves through her light brown hair and for a moment, he didn’t have any thoughts but to keep kissing her. Until he closed his eyes and saw Ariel’s face with her beautiful smile, her voice calling his name. And that’s when the guilt set in, immediately forcing Kavi to pull away. [color=teal]“I can’t I--”[/color] Kavi looked at April, uncertain what it was but he couldn’t bring himself to bring up Ariel right now. He was about to and maybe he should have told her he had a girlfriend, but Kavi couldn’t. [color=teal]“--it wouldn’t be right. You’re upset about Santiago. As much as I want to get back at him for how he hurt you, this isn’t the way.”[/color] As soon those words left his mouth, he was equally divided between the situation he was in and what he should say right now versus what he wanted to do. Yes, he should mention Ariel, but also yes, he wanted to go back to her soft lips and kiss her some more because holy shit, April was a great kisser! April’s mind was a flurry of emotions that spun around almost as fast as her heart was beating. As Kavi pulled away from her, she couldn’t help but feel disappointed. It had been at least a few weeks, if not longer since she’d really kissed anyone else. [color=ec008c]“I...I’m sorry Kavi…”[/color] April looked down to the floor, her cheeks a fiery red and her breaths rapid. [color=ec008c]“Fuck…”[/color] she muttered under her breath. Every bit of her yearned for the feeling that Kavi had just given her. To be genuinely cared for and loved. The fact that he too was a damn good kisser was just icing on the cake. [color=ec008c]“I shouldn’t have done that...I don’t know what I was thinking. I haven’t even been drinking...”[/color] April finally spoke with a bit more purpose and strength to her words. The long locks of her brown hair partially hid her face as she closed her eyes, shaking her head to herself. [color=ec008c]What the fuck are you doing April…[/color] [color=ec008c]“A-are you mad?”[/color] she asked, her head unmoving from its position facing down to the floor, resting in her hands. He wouldn’t respond immediately. Instead, he kept his eyes on April and seeing how messed up she felt about kissing him. That was something that Kavi could relate to. Just as she felt horrible for kissing him, he felt the same tugging feeling between what he desired and what was right in the pit of his stomach. The butterflies died and now a sinking hole replaced it. How could he do this to Ariel? Why didn’t he go to her when she walked off? All of these questions were coming to him, but the one thing that he knew he had to do was assure April that she had nothing to apologize for. He put a hand on April’s, like before he made sure she knew he wasn’t going anywhere. [color=teal]“I’m feeling a lot of things but anger isn’t one of them,”[/color] he told her, smiling. [color=teal]“What would I have to be mad about? I got to kiss a beautiful girl and probably stick it to Santiago in the process. As far as I see, there was no harm done.”[/color] There he went lying for the sake of comforting another. And in the back of his mind, he knew it was wrong. He had to make it right before it went too far. [color=teal]“I’m just not sure how I’m going to explain this to my girlfriend,”[/color] Kavi mentioned so casually that it barely registered with him until he saw the look on her face. April’s face went paler than the creature she was portraying with her costume as those final words came out of Kavi’s mouth. Her heart sank so unbelievably fast that she briefly felt like she was going to pass out. “Jesus fuck…” she stood from her seat and paced back and forth, running her hands through her hair nervously. This wasn’t how it was supposed to go. April was supposed to be getting revenge, not feeling like shit because she probably broke another girl’s heart in the process. [color=ec008c]“Fuck Kavi, I am so unbelievably sorry...I feel like such an asshole. W-when you tell her, tell her it was all me...it was my fault. I did it.”[/color] April continued a very nervous pace back and forth before an idea spun together in her mind. There was still something she could do to get back at Santiago, and while it wasn’t the most ambitious of plans, it would definitely get everyone’s attention. [color=ec008c]“Kavi...I have an idea.”[/color] Just when he was about to tell her she had a very small part in this, Kavi just watched her go back and forth. It wasn’t making him dizzy, thank god, but he lost sight of her a couple of times until she mentioned some idea. That was when he popped upright with a smile. [color=teal]“Well do tell. What sort of idea is brewing up in that beautiful brain of yours?”[/color] He inquired. [color=ec008c]“I’m gonna call him out in front of everyone. Show him that I’m done with his shit.”[/color] she said proudly, before reaching down to grab Kavi’s hand. [color=ec008c]“I’m gonna need you to be up there with me for it though, just for the extra effect.”[/color] April said with a grin, before half-dragging Kavi back into the party, up to the front of the crowd and then into the DJ’s booth. [color=ec008c]“I need to borrow the mic if that’s alright.”[/color] she gave the DJ a [i]pretty please[/i] look before being reluctantly given the mic. With Kavi still in tow, she tapped the mic a few times against her thigh to get the crowd’s attention before beginning to speak. [color=ec008c]“Good evening King’s Academy!”[/color] April called out to the crowd in her best hype-up voice. [color=ec008c]“How’s everyone doing tonight?”[/color] She called out, resulting in a loud cheer from the crowd in response. [color=ec008c]“I just want to say a few things before we bring back the music. First off, I would like to thank Kavi here for throwing this amazing party and making this all possible. I would also like to thank him for being there for me when my boyfriend Santiago wasn’t! On that note, I would like to give a shoutout to the new couple that ran to the back a few minutes before, Santiago and Yessi! Congratulations you two! Let's give them a big round of applause!”[/color] April clapped her hands together. For a moment, the audience was hesitant to do anything--it was definitely an awkward moment--but after a deafening silence, a gentle clap began that slowly grew into full applause. [color=ec008c]“On one final note!”[/color] She called out loudly. [color=ec008c]“Because of the current situation regarding our dear Devil of King’s Academy, I would like to make a big announcement. Santiago! You are the father! You are the father of the child I am carrying, in case you forgot! Yes! I am pregnant bitches!”[/color] April’s hand shook as she said these final words, the false confidence she’d had at the start was beginning to wear off as familiar faces and strangers alike stared at her. [color=ec008c]“And now, back to the music!”[/color] she called out at last, resulting in a brief cheer from the crowd before the thumping bass kicked back in and everyone began to dance once again. April turned to Kavi, both hands still trembling. [color=ec008c]“...W-well...how was that?”[/color] [color=teal]“I could just kiss you right now..”[/color] As soon as he said that, he awkwardly transitioned into a laugh. [color=teal]“Oh you know what I meant. That was great. Santiago and Astraia will probably be furious, so that’s good and you spoke like a pro. You have a natural talent for this.”[/color] [color=ec008c]“It's about damn time someone called him on it. Now he can’t hide it from anyone.”[/color] April said, taking a deep, shaky breath. No more hiding anything. [color=teal]"I couldn't agree more,"[/color] he said, half of his attention on April but the other half was at the DJ's stage. [color=teal]“Just excuse me for one moment.”[/color] Kavi gestured towards April to hold whatever thought she was about to put to words as he went back to the DJ table, Alonzo rolling his eyes at Kavi. “What now?” [color=teal]“I just need to use the microphone for one or three moments.”[/color] Annoyed, Alonzo handed it over. “Fine but make it quick!” [color=teal]“Thank you!”[/color] Kavi imitated a grateful bow as smiled politely at Alonzo. [color=teal]“So sorry I’m interrupting again, I know but Ariel, if you’re still here, which I’m hoping that you are. If you’re not still pissed at me, can we talk?”[/color] Kavi said into the microphone. [color=teal]“If so, I’ll be waiting for you by the hot tub!”[/color] He said with a hopeful voice, trying not to feel awkward with everyone staring at him. Soon Kavi stepped away from the table and did very little to meet the eyes and the mild laughter of those he passed by. He didn’t have time to really think about what they thought about him. There were more important things for him to focus on. He had to figure out what he was going to say to Ariel and if he should bring up the kiss with April or not. No, of course, he should. Kavi couldn’t run away from it. He learned that lesson last month at Homecoming. He had to at least make the attempt to do better this time around. He loved Ariel so much. Contrary to what everyone thinks and keep saying about him on social media, Kavi Salvador is capable of change! [color=teal]“Now I just wait and pray she will answer my plea.”[/color] Kavi always hated waiting. He always felt exposed but Ariel was worth it. She was worth everything.[/indent][/indent][/color]