[h2]Prince Erik Reighn - Merunda, the borders of Miricia and Albia[/h2] "Blast!" Erik cursed as Noritz brought news he didn't wish to here. The prince of Albia unsheated his longsword, which also caused Gregory to grip tightly on his lance in preparation. The old man, who paled in his face after hearing the news, quickly got off his seat to head into the inn. "He's got the right idea. Any other citizens make their way for cover!" Erik glanced at the group. "We have to hold them off, and protect the citizens here," Erik looked around the town for potential cover and other tactical advantages he could find. "We could try to take them by surprise," Gregory suggested. "They won't be expecting an armed escort of knights around." "Or laguz allies for that matter," Erik concurred and nodded his head. "We should use that. What's the count, Noritz?" He questioned the bird laguz. "Anyone else have any suggestions?"