[color=6ecff6][b][h3]Vittorio Twinveil[/h3][/b][/color] Vittorio's eyes flung open, his gaze was met by the overly familiar room where he had spent most of his time the last two years. He was lying on the floor, his body in pain. He began to try gather his thoughts. [i][color=6ecff6]I.. was fighting in the tournament... then Yuuto...[/color][/i] He stopped in his thought process, Yuuto had lunged out for Katherine in a manner that seemed off-limit for arena protocol. [i][color=6ecff6]I interfered... and then... Alto.[/color][/i] Vittorio's hands began to shake, as he reached out to feel the floor. [color=6ecff6][i]I... got him.. and he.. wounded me...[/i][/color] He reached up to feel where he had been struck by Alto. [i][color=6ecff6]Heh...heh.. I got him? Finally... at last?[/color][/i] Tears would stream down his face in relief, and his hands would tighten into fists. [i][color=6ecff6]It's good this way? Right?[/color][/i] He reached his hand up towards the ceiling.[color=6ecff6] I've avenged you... but how am I still alive? Someone took me away? Bak? Rurik? Celestine?[/color] His sight became blank, he could not remember who had brought him out of there. [i][color=6ecff6]Still... I cannot stay here. Good people will be harmed. They already have been harmed. Both from St.Laurel and here. The source of all this evil. I have found it. Alto and Clara. I have to destroy Clara to stop all of this. Bak will never forgive me. But... if I can save her and the others... I'll do it. There would be no reason for her to stay in this dark place. To think I would feel this way towards someone else after that time... never would I have imagined.[/color][/i] Vittorio began to manifest his astral form, it's ghostly appearance and tentacle wings picking up his physical form from the floor with ease and began to carry it after. He violently took hold of the door leading out into the corridor, using his remaining tentacle like wings and flung it away. [i][color=6ecff6]I cannot defeat her alone in her base without dragging the others into it. I must find he who stands in the middle. The leader of the vigilantes. King. Only he has the manpower, and can confirm if I did get Alto... [/color][/i] Vittorio's tentaclelike wings were in attack formation, would anyone come into his path on the way out it would perhaps deter them. He was leaving, if it would be smoothly or a path of destruction time would tell.