[quote=@Vertigo] Done and done! Let me know if him getting his hand through is implausible, and I'll edit accordingly (adding that he made the hole bigger first, or the like). I left it vague as to whether he could actually reach the handle at all also. If he can reach it, should I roll for something to see if he can figure out how the door is locked? [/quote] Duncan can definitely get his hand through the hole he made! I'm imagining it roughly the size of a shoebox viewed from the top below and to the left of the knob, so there's plenty of space. And because of that positioning, I'd say it's pretty easy to just reach on through and work the door knob, so no roll necessary. [quote=@Typical] Excited (and a bit apprehensive) to see where the hand through the door goes. Fingers crossed this stays all G-rated and easy on my heart. [/quote] I don't want to spoil too much, but... [hider=Minor spoiler] Let's just say that this [i]is not[/i] a horror/slasher movie. [/hider]