A few more students entered the class in a hurried pace, causing Gang Orca to clear his throat in a loud manner. He then started up again. He did take into account the reaction to his booming voice the first time. “I am Gang Orca. I will be your teacher for your duration at this school. It is good to meet you all. I don’t need to explain how important your education here is. Take it seriously and you will go far.” Gang Orca’s voice was stern but actually on the quieter side. For a moment he stopped, reached under his desk, and grabbed buckets. The massive man walked over to the door, placed the buckets outside the door, and closed it. “Anyone who shows up to this class when the door is closed, does not come inside until after lunch. They will report to the restroom, fill the buckets with water, and proceed to hold them until I give them permission not to. These punishments will change over time. Please don’t make me become creative.” He gave the class a steely glare. Alexa shuddered at the thought of what other penalties he could come up with. That glare seemed to strike her at the core. Gang Orca proceeded to explain what would be expected of the students. How they represented the school now and Wanted to express the impending danger that would come with the title of Hero. “Alright, enough of me talking. I want you students to introduce yourselves in front of the class, discuss your power, show it if you can, and then the next student will do the same. Pretty easy.” He said easily as he took a seat at his desk, then crossed his arms. Orca cocked his head to the side and looked over the student list. “Alexa Barnes, please come to the front of the class.” Hearing her name be called really ran through her system like an electrical current. Of course she would be picked first to introduce herself. Slowly, she got up and nervously walked over to the front of the class. She skittishly brushed the wrinkles out of her skirt and looked up to the class. It took her a moment to realize she was in front of Gale’s desk. She gave him a small wave, then started to talk. “H-Hi *she cleared her throat* My name is Alexa Barnes. I am a support class student. I like running, capybaras, and pastries. My quirk.... I can create a barrier around myself when I hold my breath and put my hands together. If I don’t put my hands together, it becomes porous. It is also soundproof.” Alexa turned and took a couple steps toward the door. Next, she put her hands in a box shape. Lastly, she took a deep breath in and held it. A small barrier formed around her. It was a little opaque in color and it was pretty sturdy. She held it for a moment, then released her breath and hands. “Very interesting. What features did you add to your suit for school? I mean your hero suit.” That was not a question she was expecting. She turned to her teacher. “Um.. I included an air tank to increase the barrier or bubble time limit. Ultra grip boots because the bubble is slippery. And safety straps for the back of the suit for anyone else in the barrier in case we have to move.” “Interesting… You don’t have armor for yourself? I mean any additional protection besides your bubble.” Alexa thought to herself for a moment. It was something that she never considered. Her quirk was all she ever needed. It never occurred to her. “Judging from your face, you haven’t. I would strongly suggest it. It may affect your speed, but it could help you in the future.” “Thank you Mr. Orca. I’ll try to add that to my form.” Gang Orca nodded and waved her to her desk. After the purple-haired girl sat, his voice boomed again. “Next student, Selena Holland. Please come up front.”