Ah, so she was taking a break from University as well. At first, he thought to say the same, to tell her that he was also taking a break from University and that he was a professor at one. His eyes glanced over her once more, studying her to see if she was anyone he could've seen in passing on campus. How big of a coincidence would it be if Chloe was actually a student at the same University where he was a professor? Hadley wasn't the sort that was good with numbers but he was guessing the odds were slim, slim to none in fact. Yet he refused to test them. That and if it was her first year of college... It meant that surely she was younger than he thought she was. An uneasiness filled him. To think that he had looked at a freshman in college, a blossoming young woman, the way that he would look at his own wife, or other matured [i]women[/i]. That explains why they came to Mexico to celebrate, seeing as the legal age to drink here was eighteen. "Well, congratulations on finishing your first semester of college. Now that you know what it's like, it won't get any easier but at least you will know what to expect." Hadley had a tone of amusement in his voice. For a moment he'd caught her glance but dared not to hold it for too long. "Now you have the afternoon to yourself, or I should say, at least until the celebrations are to resume, how do you think you'll occupy yourself?" Hadley wondered how the young woman would answer; he wanted to know if she had even given any thought to what she would do with her newfound solitariness.