The bar was crammed, and the music was so loud that you could practically feel the air around you pulsating. A local band, playing it's set had proven to be incredibly popular with locals and tourists alike. Chloe and Marci were there, taking in the nightlife. It was hot and uncomfortable. Some might say stuffy, but the atmosphere alone was enough to encourage you through any mild discomfort. Was Chloe drunk? A little, but not enough to not be in complete control of herself. The characteristic curls were pulled back into a ponytail, and the blonde was sporting a pale green midi dress. The type of jersey material that clung to your curves, but still let you breathe. With a dipped but not revealing neckline, it stopped just above the knee and had a classy, yet entirely beach babe vibe to it all. "Let's get another drink.." Marci took a firm hold of her friends hand and the pair meandered through the crowd. The redhead was now fully recovered, and looked like an entirely different person with her hair straight and blue eyes bright. "It's so busy.." She mouthed to Chloe, who nodded her agreement as they finally reached their intended destination. "What's your poison?!" Marci asked as she rifled through her purse for some pennies to pay with. "Rum." Chloe replied without missing a beat, still half watching the band as she spoke. "It's always about the rum." "What are you? A pirate or something?" "Perhaps." Chloe smirked playfully, "I always fancied myself some of those boots..."