[b]September 17th, Dominic's Gas 'N Go:[/b] A light chill crept up behind the woman as the sun tucked behind the horizon, signalling the arrival of the night. She glanced behind herself as the cold overtook her. She wiped the sweat from her forehead as she turned to her partner and nodded. Dylan smiled at her. It was time to head inside, the dead became more active at night. The woman packed her tools with a swift efficiency, she then followed Dylan into the station's interior. Moments before she had finished pulling down the final metal sheeting that reinforced the glass panel doors, she happened to glance up at the exterior of the former truck stop. Outside were two column of now empty fueling stations. A single lamp lit up the otherwise dark fueling area. The woman wondered at how that lamp had lasted for so many months, but her attention was soon torn from the determined light bulb as she noticed a small child. It was a young girl, the woman recognized her as a geek immediately. The crippled way she stumbled forward is what gave her away, it was possible that she was a goth, but the woman doubted it. Goths usually walked in straight lines, while this zed simple stumbled forward, almost as if caught in a perpetual state of 'almost falling'. The woman's thoughts moved to her sister as she finished closing the final metal sheet, as she padlocked it to the floor she wondered at her health, and if the staff at the CDC facility were keeping her healthy, or keeping her at all.. ~~~ Marrianne ~~~ [b] September 17th, CDC Facility, Moments after night fall [/b] "Someone shut that girl up!" Demanded The doctor to Ander's right. "At this rate she is going to get us all killed!" Sweat shone off of the man's fore head, tensions had risen to a breaking point. Several RA3's had broken through the main doors, Ander's had locked himself in the office's with the surviving staff, but the sound of complaint from D5 had given away their position. The child's wailing could be heard as plane as day through the speaker board. Anders' clicked the talk button and tried his best to sound calm. ~~ "Marrie, Honey, what seems to be the matter?" Marriane could barely hear Anders' voice over her own crying. Just moments ago she had, had the dream again. This time it was more vivid than ever. She was just about too leave the facility, just about to see her sister, when, no one was there. In the dream she sat for hours, waiting, but no one came. Until finally a man in a black leather jacket walked up too her and touched her shoulder. When she tried too look at him, his face had always been fuzzy, but his voice had been clear as day. "They don't want you too come back Marrie, you are going to stay here forever... No One Wants you..." And then she had been awake, and crying. She screamed help into the intercom and then proceeded to continue her wailing. It had been horrible, but Ander's had come, he always came. After a few moments her wails became sniffles, and in a whimpering tone she replied. "Is she gunna come Ander's? Is Ivy gunna come?" ~~~ For a single moment Anders had no idea what the girl was asking, and that moment gave enough the voice of an office clerk enough time to travel through the system and into Marrie's room. "Oh god! It hurts! Some body help! AAAAH!" Anders' quickly turned his attention to the front door. An undead had broken through, and now had locked it's jaw onto Sheryl Judy's arm. The woman screamed in pain, and unbeknownst to Anders, the Intercom's 'Speak' button had stuck. ~~~ Suddenly a woman's scream rang over the speaker. Marrie desperately pressed her finger against the speak button and called out to the other side. "Anders! What is happening!? Why is she screaming!" But the young girls plea was not heard, for the other end of the system was being blocked by a stuck button. "Sheryl are you..? Oh god! Sheryl!" Anders' voice rang out, he was clearly under stress and the young girl began too lose control. What was happening? Why were they screaming? Suddenly there were three gunshots and the loud, demanding voice of another man was heard. "Hurry, god fucking dammit, all of you! Get to the second floor!" Then the woman again. "Please no! Let me live! Cut off my arm! anything but-" Then a gun shot, and then a small 'click' as the talk button from the other end of the system released...