“Excellent! And don’t think I forgot your reward. I’m sure the others have given you something amazing, so uh... Well, o hope you accept this humble gift.” Yerro went to fetch a few books. “My father once told me the best thing you can give someone is enlightenment. These are a few books I’ve had that has always helped me do business, so I figured you could use them. I don’t know if you’re much of a reader, but I always find a good book helps ease the mind.” There were three books here, the biggest being a time called “Herbs and Edibles V. I”, then two considerably smaller books called “Tales of Spice and Wolves” and “Traveler’s Guide To Gransys”. “If you ever feel like foraging, the Traveler’s Guide has a handy list of things that are and aren’t safe to eat. The herbs book is also good if you ever want to identify important herbs and ingredients. The last book, Tales of Spice and Wolves, that’s a work of fiction but it’s a tale I’ve always loved. Really gives you a first-person perspective of the traders life, with some tips and tricks.”