Funny enough, while the clothes, and the harpoon and kitchen set were amazing, Sylvia couldn't help but brighten up considerably at the sight of the books. While the books may be humble to those who were actually from the world of Keratia, to Sylvia they were a source of knowledge for her pour over. These books may even save her in the future. Her smile was even wider, and she could help but clap her hands once and gasp in sheer joy at the sight of them. She listened quietly as he explained what each book had in store for her. She could barely contain her excitement. She thanked Yerro after he was done, "Oh my gosh! Thank you, Yerro! These books are [i]definitely[/i] going to be of great help! You're a life saver!" Yeah, she knew what she was going to be doing at the inn. Reading! Just some good old reading to learn about the world a little more.