When the blonde turned to see where the voice was coming from, she smiled cheerfully when it was Hadley that greeted her. "Hey!" Not that you could really hear anybody with the speakers so damn loud. Chloe felt rather sure that her ears were bleeding on some internal level, but it was an amusing spectacle to see people leaning into each other just to be heard. "She's made a miraculous recovery.." The young woman added with the slightest hint of a smirk. At such close proximity, she couldn't help but notice how good he smelt. Marci spotted Hadley and waved, naturally she had no clue who he was, but her buddy sure looked comfortable around him so that was good enough. Besides, the redhead was a little loose in the men department, so she wasn't really in a position to judge. Chloe on the other hand, didn't like to get tangled up in all that crap, and preferred the quiet life that wasn't littered with one night stands. He looked alarmingly hot in that shirt though... [i]Stop it.. [/i] "Is that your friend?" Chloe asked in curiosity, leaning in a little as she pointed, but smoothly turned it into a wave when Adrian looked up. If he wasn't the dudes friend, he sure was interested.