[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/181109/b14e03f045e666658118663197a581f8.png[/img][/center] [sub][right]Interacting with: [@Hero][@Obscene Symphony][/right][/sub] [color=f7976a]“Hm. If the boy enters my service after I finally leave this inane institution, that may not be the worst idea. But something to consider another day. For now, I believe I’ve made my choice.”[/color] He stated, releasing the boy’s chin. [color=f7976a] “As much as I’d like to mark that same one, it’d unbalance his entire appearance.”[/color] Varis gestured at the sword resting on the boy’s left hip, the sword that never seemed very far out of reach for the boy. He’d have to keep an eye on that. It wouldn’t do to have his mage dependant on one particular item. The boy was past his dependency age; Varis would find a way to deprive him of the item if deemed necessary. He made yet another mental note on this boy, the number of them quickly piling up, and pushed into the store. A soft bell chimed as Varis walked in, a bright [color=AD50C8] “Welcome! Take a seat and we’ll be right with you.”[/color]coming from the vampire behind the half counter. The inside was a modern aesthetic, a black leather couch against the wall behind a coffee table covered in various art albums and a simple rug sat beneath them, separating them from the wood floors. A student chatted amicably with the woman behind the counter as she typed into a tablet. The back of the store could be clearly seen, framed between two rows of partitions that held a tattoo station. A plethora of art examples and pictures covered almost every inch of the parlor, presenting plenty of inspiration. Soft music played through the store as a muted whirring came from behind one of the partitions. [color=f7976a]“You’ll handle this now.”[/color] Varis corrected her as he approached the counter. The woman looked up and the retort died in her throat as she looked at the individuals entering her shop. It took her half as second as she blinked between Varis and Eris but her customer service smile finally made its appearance. The student at the counter stared slack jawed at Eris and his hand slowly crept towards his pocket. [color=f7976a] “Your business is done here. Any tab remaining will be added to mine. You are dismissed. Boy, escort him out. Now.”[/color] Varis informed the other at the counter without so much as a glance. The vampire at the counter frowned briefly at the treatment but kept her commentary to herself as she pulled up the Sinnenodel’s reservation. [color=AD50C8]“Your reservation requests magic only but it was noted he has a minor resistance to life magic. Depending on the degree of tolerance, we may still have to use the machine to ensure a clean piercing.”[/color] The vampire finished typing into the tablet and looked up at the group again. [color=AD50C8] “The one getting a piercing is Aaron Stra-”[/color] She double checked the screen and the blond. She seemed confused, for good reason, but she pressed on nevertheless. [color=AD50C8] “Did Mr. Starag need to select an earring?”[/color] [color=f7976a]“No, he does not. Just see that he gets through this as quickly as possible.”[/color] Varis pulled out the box he brought from the dorm and set it on the counter. The woman opened the box, eyes the two earrings critically for a few moments before closing it again. [color=AD50C8] “Well then if everything is in order, we’ll have you on your way in less than an hour. Feel free to sit. We’ll have him back as soon as Jacob is done with our current client.”[/color] Varis turned away and snapped his fingers, pointing at the couch. [color=f7976a]“You’ll stay there until you are called. Once you are finished, you are free for the rest of the evening. I recommend you take the time to familiarize yourself with the area. Remember your curfew.”[/color] Varis instructed him before turning to Eris. [color=f7976a] “Now that my official business is finished, you had something to attend to right?”[/color]