[hr][hr] [center][color=CD5C5C][h1]Evelyn Holder[/h1][/color] [img]https://iv1.lisimg.com/image/16130631/500full-emily-beecham.jpg[/img] [I]Location: Serval Industries, X-Factor Briefing Area Skills: N/A[/I][/center] [hr][hr] Evelyn leaned back in her seat as she listened to everyone as they started to speak, looking over towards Andrew, and she could understand is reluctance to not be their little spy. [color=CD5C5C]"Then its settled Rossi can go in, and find if there is anything suspicious."[/color] She said giving him a slight smile, seeing as Belladonna came back into the room, true they did have a party that they should get ready to. [color=CD5C5C]"We were just all about ready to get going now."[/color] She said as Watts spoke up, it was true that they would all be risking their jobs and it would certainly not look good for them if either of them were caught. [color=CD5C5C]"It's just suspicious that she give us this mission without giving us any form of details, if the mission was more sensitive like going into another country or something along those lines without any kind of proper briefing or information. Then that wouldn't turn out well for the team, and it could mean the matter of life or death. So I think it's a risk worth looking into."[/color] Evelyn said putting in her two cents before standing up and stretching slightly. [color=CD5C5C]"Anyway i'm going to go and get ready now."[/color] Evelyn said as she started to head out of the room and started to make her way towards her bedroom and started to get changed.