Roland instinctly squared his field and took a wide stance, almost kneeling to keep from being swept away by the spell of unseen force cast at he and Iseldis. Fortunately, his weight, armor, and stance kept him from being swept away. But Iseldis was tossed like a ragdoll, though to her credit she collected herself quickly. He wished he could count that as a blessing, but by the way that this Dark Elf spoke it was only going to prolong their suffering. A Dark Elf! Here? There had been old folk rumors of small pockets of the dreadful people still alive far beneath the earth, but even had they been true, he never would have thought he would live to see one. She would almost be beautiful if not for her too-slender features and the spiderlegs protruding from her torso. Without a care to himself, he hefted his blade aloft. Such an unholy abomination should not be suffered to live! "By Eruvar and Baelyr, I will kill you." He promised, his sword pointed at her neck. She cackled, and almost casually flipped her hand. A ball of fire coalesced before her, and erupted forth, spinning toward Roland. He cried out and rolled, his surcoat getting singed from the blast but otherwise he managed to dodge the sudden spell. With a growl, he charged her, thinking she would be easy prey in close quarters. The squire did not count on the spiderlegs, however. Not only were they far stronger than the spindly limbs seemed, but they were razor sharp and one pierced his shoulder before he could reach her with his sword. Blood erupted from the wound and he screamed in pain as she laughed all the louder. Her hubris was short-lived, when his backstroke cut the leg that had stabbed him, and it was her turn to screech as Roland stumbled back, clutching the wound in his shoulder. A few more inches, and it would have gone into his neck. "I'm ok, he said to Iseldis hoarsly, grimacing. His eyes didn't leave the fiendish fey, however. He clearly wanted to smite this dark elf without delay. But could they survive the task? [@Luminosity]