[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/ZKL57jq.png[/img][/center] [right]🦋 [color=lightcoral][u][b]Interactions:[/b][/u][/color] Nello/Nocturne 🦋 [color=lightcoral][u][b]Mentions:[/b][/u][/color] [@Shard] 🦋 [color=lightcoral][u][b]Location:[/b][/u][/color] Nox Tenebrae | Counselor's Office | Hallway[/right] [hr] Perfectly manicured nails punctured the supple, rubbery outer layer of foam that guarded the spongy interior of the Earth stress ball. Four almond-shaped claws buried into the yielding core, as pigmented knuckles turned bloodless. Slowly, each digit retracted from within the ball. Pearlescent polish was chipped, scraped away by the exertion. She took in the damage, her body heating. A flare of her wings, as they went from a bright pink to blood red. Arieen growled, lifting the ball and taking aim at the nearest picture frame. Tension, aching to be released- "Arieen, dear, calm down." Said Mr. B, his gentle, genuine voice attempting to suffocate the flame of hatred within her. The Cyclops was no fool, he was aware of how easily her emotions shifted, like a boat being rocked to and fro by stubborn waves. He gave her an unwavering, yet amazingly tender stare, certain he could bring her back down. A disgruntled huff, a glare through a haze of red sent toward the head counselor's one eye, and the ball dropped harmlessly to the ground. Fingers flexed, deep, shaky breaths were taken. She smoothed the fabric of her [url=https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/81L8x0fEnTL._SR500,500_.jpg][color=white]light blue sundress[/color][/url], the pads of her fingers catching on the ridges of the lace in a way she found relaxing. She folded her legs, left over right, giving off the image of calm despite the roaring emotions within. She was skilled in the fine art of lying to herself. After all, it was rather easy to put on a facade, and soon the falsehood crept beneath the surface, staking a claim in reality. The color in her wings faded slightly, into something that was more reminiscent of candy apple red, than blood. Mr. B opened his mouth to speak, but before he could say a word his co-counselor, Mr. C, was cutting in. "Arieen, this behavior is brash of you, don't you agree?" Arieen glanced at the water buffalo, cocking her head at him in consideration. He was a wise lout, certainly, but a lout nonetheless. He knew nothing of what had brought her to his shared office and would continue to know nothing if he carried on in this fashion. [color=lightcoral]"Mr. C, Mr. B, I'm afraid you don't understand, my emotions are perfectly valid considering the circumstances."[/color] Her tone was cold, strong, befitting of her future title. She mimicked her Owner almost perfectly...not that that was what she was trying to do. She didn't copy. "What, exactly, are the circumstances? Another tiff with one of the other Fae?" Mr. B asked, eye searching Arieen's. [color=lightcoral]"It wasn't a tiff, Mr. B, the inbreds of Court Gilltree insulted Queen Alula, my court, and by extension, me!"[/color] Those insolent nature [i]freaks[/i] just didn't understand the overwhelming power of the mind! They were too busy growing plants and dancing nude in the forest, like neanderthals! Just thinking about it was enough to cause her blood to boil, opening a palm, she attempted to summon up another stress ball that looked like the Earth. It appeared, a melted pile of goop and foam in her hand. She hissed, accepting the handkerchief Mr. B offered her and wiping away at the mess. [color=lightcoral]"Do you see what it's doing to me? My summons, my illusions, my very way of life will be [i]soiled[/i] until you do something!"[/color] Mr. C decided to add his piece. "All we can recommend is a trip to one of the lounges. Allow your mind to relax. You're going to be a Princess, Arieen, you'll have to learn to take criticism eventually." [color=lightcoral]"Fine, I'll do just that!"[/color] Arieen said, lifting from the seat she was in and stepping gracefully toward the door. She turned, just as her hand rested on the shining copper handle. [color=lightcoral]"That being said, I feel [i]this[/i] criticism must be stated. You, are an animal that bathes in mud, Mr. C! There is no way you could possibly understand the delicacy of this situation."[/color] With that, she stormed out the room, delicately closing the door behind her. [hr] On her way to the spa, Arieen passed many people in the hallway. She ignored most of them, as they were less interesting creatures than she, and she had no time for the Fae-folk of other courts. She did, however, pause and wonder as a boy came into the hall alongside another creature -his twin, it appeared- bathed in shadow. She knew of almost all the people in the school, as she had been around since she was twelve. Of course, he hadn't bothered to stop and talk to a majority of them unless she was in the mood to create a pact and add another pawn to her playboard. This being, though, and this boy, they piqued her interest. She cocked her head, quickening her steps until she caught up with him. Her wings, now a curious shade of yellow, flitted behind her. [color=khaki]"Hello, there. I'm Arieen, and I'm afraid I don't know the names of you two boys."[/color] She would have said 'Lady Arieen', but she didn't want to sound too uptight.