Hearing the little girl's response immediately made Myrila feel sorry for her. She very well knew how prejudiced some of the kingdom could be against demihumans. She found it to be a foolish notion herself, judging an entire race of people just from their physical form. She had met more unpleasant humans over demihumans, though that might just be because the latter was rare in this country altogether. [color=00aeef]"It's alright, little one,"[/color] she said as she bent over slightly, resting her hand on the demihuman's shoulder with a smile. [color=00aeef]"I wouldn't tell if you don't want to. Your secret is safe with me. With us,"[/color] she added, giving a 'Don't you dare telling' glare towards Griffon. [@alexfangtalon][@Infichi]