Chloe and her red-haired friend must have been close due to the playful nature in which she spoke of the other girl. It seemed Chloe might play the more level headed role for the duo but just because she wasn't in the crowd seeming to enjoy herself more than one could enjoy themselves at an event like this, didn't mean anything. Ah, she hit the nail on the head with him in her questioning his choice of night activities. Hadley gave her an apologetic smile, "Unfortunately for Adrian, no." He was glad, however, to hear she wasn't the clubbing sort either. They had something else in common then. The more she spoke, the more he felt himself clicking with her. She was easy going and easy to talk to. There had even been curiosity that had peaked in him when it came to her that made her all the more interesting. "I couldn't agree more." Hadley said, having to lean closer than maybe he would've normally as it was getting harder to hear over the singer, seeing as they were in the climax of the song. The man raised a brow, a smile coming to his lips. Now she was sounding like Adrian when he was trying to convince him to explore the nightlife with him. They both were gently coaxing him out of his box. "Adrian said something along those lines earlier today." Part of the reason why he had come to Mexico was to come out of the deepest part of his comfort zone, to get away from what was familiar and stagnant. "It took him the better part of an hour to get him to convince me out, " "But you're both right," At that point, the band began to quiet down as they went on to pause only to transition into another song, "Besides it appears that stepping out of that box can be quite rewarding." What he meant by that was kept to himself. It was his way of saying he was happy to have ran into her again. Adrian had come up to the two with a woman, maybe late twenties, trailing along behind him. "Hey, I'm going to get another drink, or two, " The brunette, dressed rather scandalously in a tight black tube dress that covered her just enough for her to be decent, giggled. "I'll meet you later? Say an hour?" Hadley nodded, he knew the man couldn't go any longer than an hour with out taking a time out for a cigarette. Not that he could blame him. He used to be just as bad until he managed to slow down a couple of years ago. "Try to get him to loosen up a bit, yeah?" Adrian spoke loud enough over the music for Chloe to hear, before winking at the two of them and leaving them to themselves once again. The brunette smiled at the two before being pulled along by Hadley's friend. She had to have been a local. "Ah, and there he goes." It was obvious Hadley was amused as he knew he failed to hide the smile behind his glass. "It seems I've been traded in for someone more desirable." He mused.