[hr][hr][center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/190502/252bf1917dc0a391d2fe763836799e96.png[/img][hr][@eclecticwitch][@Nallore][@FantasyChic][@Morose][/center] [hr][hr][center][h1][b][i][color=A4FFFC]Demetria Clarke[/color][/i][/b][/h1] [img]https://www.syfy.com/sites/syfy/files/frostcoat.gif[/img][/center][hr][center][color=A4FFFC][b]Location:[/b][/color] Serval Industries - Ballroom[/center][hr] Sapphire never was one to really care about appearances, how she looked, or how others viewed her. Honestly their opinions were dumb in her mind, so it didn't really matter to her too much what she wore to the party. She did at least decide to dress somewhat nicely, or more nicely then her usual appearance. She was wearing a dark blue skirt, shirt, a trench coat of sorts with a pair of black boots, it was nicer then her typical jeans and leather outfit, and yet it still allowed her easy movement to use her powers or being in a combat situation. The party was under way, everything had been going for about an hour now, (so it's been 3 hours since they were sitting around a table talking), and honestly she was getting more then a bit bored being surrounded by all of these rich people. As if there wasn't anything else that could possibly put her in a bad mood, it was being surrounded by a bunch of people who probably thought like Watts and felt like they were better then everyone else. The group had the doors covered fairly well, so no one was easily going to cause trouble or try and enter without being seen. This was helpful at least, it meant that they could keep everyone in one place and hopefully stop anyone from ripping each other apart, especially considering both Tony Stark and Hank Pym were notorious for not getting along and they were both in attendance. Bella before the party would have been told don't use force unless absolutely necessary to break up a fight if one broke out, while Wesley would have simply received a word about the team leader job from Psylocke who just mentioned that Gardner would have to approve whoever they chose since she'd have to deal with whoever it was more often. Things seemed to be going fairly well, that is, before they got a call over their communications from a certain engineer who was currently sneaking into Gardner's office. [hr][hr][center][h1][b][i][color=303DFF]Andrew Rossi[/color][/i][/b][/h1] [img]https://66.media.tumblr.com/0c75070e90e9864d30853f659a804aa4/tumblr_prxseuuDXZ1vtmg9l_540.gif[/img][/center][hr][center][color=303DFF][b]Location:[/b][/color] Serval Industries - Gardner's Office[/center][hr] Andrew didn't really say much to Watts or the others after it was essentially decided what they needed to do, and he had immediately gone to work on repairing his suit. He was not too thrilled that Watts had decided to say something about the fact that his suit hadn't been working before, and that hadn't exactly been entirely accurate. Andrew had only been having problems keeping the power running without the thing completely short circuiting, he hadn't wanted to risk being stuck shrunk down! The entire thing wasn't broken, but now that it was repaired, he didn't have to worry about anything like that. [color=303DFF]"I really don't like this idea too much... But oh well... Nothing I can do about it now,"[/color] he muttered to himself before he shrunk down and took off into the air. The plan for him was to shift back to his normal size once inside, but this way would at least make it so that no one would question him or see him enter the office itself. That definitely was a necessity, especially since Gardner at the moment was out at the party, so the room was empty. He snuck in through the air vents, finding his way to her office, and once out of the vents, he landed on the ground and went back to his normal size again. [color=303DFF]"Alright... Let's see what sort of things we can find here..."[/color] Standing up straight, he decided to just start with the files on her desk, one was labelled strangely, that much was obvious. [i]No Electronic Copies[/i] was what the label said, and this was a bit odd, as usually you would have electronic copies of just about any file you'd have in existence. Opening it up, he saw some weird design for what could only be really described as a weapon of sorts, or something like that. Reading through the file, he noted the capabilities of the machine. The ability to transfer someone's mind into another person's body, but essentially killing the person who was having someone else's mind into them. They'd essentially be brain dead in theory, or potentially just have everything about them suppressed, he wasn't too sure what the outcome of that would be. From the looks of things, the machine hadn't actually been created yet, so that was a good thing. [color=303DFF]"...What the hell is Gardner up to?"[/color] he muttered to himself, a part of his brain was trying to rationalize it as just something for a client of Serval, but that didn't make any sense really. As this sort of thing would have been sent down to the engineering lab to be built, so why would she keep it hidden? He set the file down before what sounded almost like a whirlwind outside of the door caught his attention. Without hesitating, Andrew immediately shrunk back down and flew up into the vent again. Just in time to avoid being seen by the person who came rushing into the room in a gust of wind. It was Pietro Maximoff. [color=7ea7d8]"Wow, not much of a place here really... To think this place is a high tech and weapons manufacturing company... You'd think that they'd have enough money to get their CEO a decent office. It would be a shame if someone were to rip it apart... Need to see if they've got any info on the thingy that we are after though... Any extra bit helps!"[/color] he said gleefully, before he started speeding around the office, ripping things apart looking for anything useful. Andrew was definitely glad he had gotten up into the vents when he did. [color=303DFF]"Uh guys? We might have a bit of a problem..."[/color] Andrew said over the communication system, everyone else would be able to hear him too. He pulled up a display on his arm just in time to see an alarm go off in the lab. [color=303DFF]"Okay, make that a really big problem. And before anyone says anything it had nothing to do with me breaking into Gardner's office, but we have a few unexpected guests here..."[/color] [color=A4FFFC]"What's going on?"[/color] Sapphire's voice immediately responded. [color=303DFF]"Looks like the Maximoff twins are after something here at Serval, considering the fact that I just barely managed to avoid Quicksilver finding me..."[/color] [color=6750A9]"Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver, here?"[/color] Psylocke's voice chimed in the instant he had mentioned the pair. [color=303DFF]"Yeah, well, fairly certain it is both of them, I mean I only see Quicksilver at the moment here in Gardner's office, and he's ripping the place to shreds... But an alarm went off up in the Engineering Lab, so odds are that's where his sister is if I had to guess. I'm going to head that way now, see if I can figure out what they're after, since I honestly think Quicksilver is just having fun destroying things in Gardner's office at the moment,"[/color] Andrew said, before he started flying through the vents to reach the Engineering Lab hopefully.