After putting your books away, it was a bit of a hike to the church. There was two ways to get there: the main road, which was the longest but had the most space, and a small alleyway staircase that was quick but narrow. Either way will see her to her destination. Compared to the other builds made of wood and molded stone, the church stood out with it's grey bricks, glass windows, and the large bronze bell at it's highest tower. Painted on the stain glass was the open-hands/wings symbol. The doors were huge and heavy, but soon she would get inside. Surprisingly calm right now. You would only notice two people: a man standing by an altar praying, and a younger man lighting some candles. If you had to guess, the man at the altar was the head priest. You may infer as much since he wears a fancy hat while the other man wears a cap. Despite the windows the church was oddly dark, illuminated only by a few windows too high to lighten up the entire building, and the candles being lit by the other priest person. The candles sat at tables which had various small statues on them, each depicting the church's presume holy symbol with a book resting on them. It may have some religious significance. Soon the lesser priest spots you, and he blows out the long candle he was using to light the other candles to come greet you. He does a very strange greeting, holding his left hand to his heart while raising his right hand slightly above his head. "Greetings young lady. Welcome to the Maker's Church. How may this humble acolyte assist you?"