Observers, that is what we are. When we enter into a new world, our perspective is either too great or too small, making it more difficult for an organic experience. To fix that, why not be creators as well? This RP will be a little bit different in that you, the player, will also be included in the world building. That way, a better understanding of people, flora, fauna, physical laws, relationships, etc. in the world can be reached. However, you won't have limitless creative powers. First of all, an agreement on the general setting must be made. Once we establish a few (or a lot) of the larger facts, you will then build the setting(s) that your character grows up in. Twist is that you won't know everything about what other players have written about their locations depending on the level of communication in the IC world. You'll know what your characters know and you won't know what your characters don't know. Once we've established characters, settings, and miscellaneous baubles, it's onto the RP. Happy RPing! [hider=Ineloquent Premature Answerings and Concerns] 1. I will be the GM, but I will most likely need a Co-GM as well. Both GMs will only be able to participate in the world building and will not be able to make characters. However, the GMs will know everything and have the benefit of knowing the dramatic irony. 2. We will be using mediums other than the ol' RP Guild. In fact, we might not use it often. Google docs will most likely be employed. Be sure to use an alt email for privacy concerns. 3. It will be tempting, but don't share any information unless your characters are somewhat close by each other. You can share any information OOC to speed things up (use Messenger, the Roleplaying Guild Mail, email, carrier pigeon, etc.), but any IC information shared will be shared IC. (I'll try to explain this more later). 4. One character per player, with possible exceptions (but don't go crazy). If death comes along, you can create a new one. (We'll iron out the kinks on death later) 5. Travelling characters that know the world are more than welcomed. However, be warned that you won't be able to make any too detailed world building if your character doesn't stay in one place too long and has impressions based on rumors and small talk. 6. Once individual character's settings are made, the GMs will fill in the blanks from there. There will be a post gap, unfortunately, while the GMs are creating a more cohesive setting. We will try to be as respectful as possible to you the player's original material. 7. This RP will be on the more experimental side. As such, the RP won't be perfect. 8. At the absolute max, I'll be accepting eight players, and even that's a little bit of a stretch. [/hider]