Alright, here I am swooping in at the last possible second with my two brand new original characters, Shyboy and Edge! Let me know how much they suck, and if that much is [i]too[/i] much. [hider=Igarashi Renzo][center][b]Name:[/b] Igarashi Renzo [b]Age:[/b] 17 [b]Appearance:[/b] [img][/img] [b]Personality:[/b] Shy and nervous. Two concepts that pretty much define Ren's entire existence. All in all, he thinks he's kind of useless, and prefers to stay as far away from being the center of attention as physically possible. He doesn't even really believe in his own abilities all that much, and the idea that others might depend on him is something that terrifies him to his core. However, he also knows that as someone who actually [i]does[/i] have some level of power, he has to at least [i]try[/i], even if he thinks he'll fail to make a difference. [b]Background:[/b] Ren has had a fairly ordinary life given the current state of the world. Never knowing his parents, Ren grew up in an orphanage surrounded along with over fifty other children, and while some may find this quite a healthy place to grow up, others know one of the defining facts of life to a young person who has fallen behind in some way. Children are cruel. For Ren, who was visibly shorter than most of the others, this couldn't have been clearer. Between the ages of four and fifteen, he was molded by bullying and teasing, becoming a ball of nerves and self-doubt. Sure, the caretakers did what they could to prevent it, and there were plenty of kids who tried to stick up for him, but the bullies always seemed to find a way around these obstacles, getting him where they couldn't see. Eventually, this [i]did[/i] mellow out, as his tormentors finally matured enough to realize how needlessly cruel they were being and left him alone. Some even apologized to him. It didn't matter though, the damage had been done. He already had little to no faith in himself. Even if the bullying had stopped, the mere fact that he had never been able to stand up for himself when it took place only proved that what they had said was true. He was weak. Too weak to do anything, for himself or for others. All he could do was drift through life and wait for the next reminder of his own uselessness. And then, on his seventeenth birthday, he received a package from with no clue as to who sent it. Inside was a black scarf with a red pattern that, if stared at in a certain way, almost seemed to move. And speak. The scarf spoke to him. It asked him his name, and he told it. It introduced itself as Diz, and asked him to put it on, thus forming a contract between them. Ren took a glance around the room and noticed that quite a few of the other orphans were staring at him. After a moment of thought, he realized that he'd finally gone insane from the nerves, and deciding that he was probably in for a new wave of torment anyway, decided to just go along with it and put the scarf on. Almost immediately, he felt a surge of... [i]something.[/i] For a moment, Diz rippled, and almost seemed to [i]grow,[/i] before finally returning to it's old form. And that was how Igarashi Renzo first met Dizarach, which would simultaneously go down in his memories as the best [i]and[/i] worst day of his life. [b]Magic:[/b] Ren has a limited control over air and wind. It usually isn't particularly powerful, mostly being used to build upon his own mobility and give him a boost to his speed and agility. However, when paired with Diz, it can also be used to create limited blasts of concentrated wind, although at this point, this wind is hardly strong enough to blow out a candle, let alone do any damage. [/center] [/hider] [hider=Diz] [center][b]Name:[/b] Dizarach [b]Type:[/b] Fibrous [b]Appearance:[/b] Default Form: [img][/img] Sword Form: [img][/img] Humanoid Form: [img][/img] [b]Personality:[/b] Diz is kind of an ass, actually. Lazy, yet still fairly outgoing, and a hedonist to the core. Wants to enjoy life to the fullest, but as his humanoid form takes too much energy, this usually means trying to convince Ren to do everything he wishes he could do, and then absorb what he can through Ren's life force. However, he [i]does[/i] care about Ren's well being too, and even if it is in large part due to his own boredom, Diz also pushes the boy to break out of his shell for his own good. He is the kind of person who will loudly insult anyone he doesn't like, and tease the people he does. In the end though, he will also be very protective of the ones he cares about, making it clear that only [i]he[/i] can tease them. Not that he'd admit to caring about them, of course. He'd figure out some excuse to make sure they know he doesn't, and anyone who thinks he does is stupid. He doesn't understand why people call him edgy. [b]Core:[/b] Flexibility [b]Background:[/b] Diz is quite young compared to many constructs, having only been created a little under eighteen years ago by a man who wanted wealth and power. The man was weak, too weak to achieve much of anything, but he knew he had to find some way to gain these things. After all, he had a son on the way, and there was no way he could provide for himself, his wife [i]and[/i] an infant as poor as they were now. The only thing he could do was use the knowledge he had gathered over the last ten years to make a construct of his own, which would help him achieve his goals through whatever means necessary. Despite what the man had expected, he wound up with a scarf. However, this scarf turned out to be exactly what he needed, as it quickly proved to be capable of altering it's forms to better fulfill their shared ambitions. Despite his initial plans to use his construct to make money through... less than lawful means... he quickly realised that, with Diz's versatility, he could perform any number of different tasks. Over the next few months, he took on various odd jobs, experimenting with the different forms Diz could take to optimize each one. Despite how bleak the situation had looked before, it seemed like things were actually looking up. And then his wife died during childbirth. The man was devastated. While his son had survived the ordeal, he could barely bring himself to look at the infant, only being reminded of his wife when he tried. Eventually, he made a choice he would never truly stop regretting, and brought the boy to an orphanage. His reasons weren't entirely selfish. He would never have been able to take care of the child on his own, especially while working. Then, he could send the money he didn't need to survive to an account that the child could access when he turned eighteen. Eventually, his path led him to take on one of the most dangerous, but well paying jobs he could, becoming a hunter of renegade constructs. He held this position for fifteen years, until he was fatally injured by a construct taking the form of a great white wolf. In the end, the wolf escaped, and he was brought back to Yoake on the verge of death. Knowing that he wouldn't make it much longer, he asked his companions to have his construct sent to his son, knowing that even if the boy didn't use him to become a hunter, it would still help him get through life, as well as give the construct a safe host. After a surprisingly heartfelt goodbye from the construct, he was taken away and mailed to Shinchi in his scarf form. A couple of weeks later, the construct saw light again for the first time in a while, only for it to be blocked out by the most nervous looking human he'd ever witnessed, after a brief conversation where he seemed to accidentally convince the boy he was insane, the boy put him on, thus forging the contract. And while the day would go down as one of the worst decisions of the boys young life, the construct knew that it was only the first of many. And he had a front row seat to all of it... [b]Abilities:[/b] ALong with his shapeshifting abilities, Diz can absorb threads from other fabric objects to increase his own size. Other than these, he doesn't really have any powers. While he will generally stick to his scarf, sword or humanoid forms, he can actually take on any number of forms to fit the situation, as long as he has enough thread to reach that size and shape. [/center] [/hider]