Fiona Just Fiona was finishing up with the dragonborn she sensed dark aura as her shadow suddenly attack her she jumped to the side evading a direct hit but the dragons claws managed to scratch her right arm. "you little shit attacking like that lack honor but at least it is effective i am still nor entirely sure you have the level if power needed to survive in this would but since you did cut me i quess you past" Grace Grace looked to Jack "wait what are you talking about what are avatars? You've gotta be kidding there's no way your an NPC right " Grace looked to Bahamut she knew he was a player he mentioned DLC but if this is a in game event why are only 3 players here a party of 6 with half players and half npc? Maybe we will form groups of two with the NPCs at some point allowing the players to explore more freely. She couldn't be sure though so she waled up to the two who had completed the challenge "ok now seems like a good time to finish thoses introductions whats your name class and build?." She knew even NPCs can understand and answer that question.