[hider=Seika, the Pirate Princess] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/EShkkoq.png[/img][/center] [center][color=DC143C][h2][i]"What? Of course there's no one better than I to be the captain! After all, I'm the eldest daughter of the Golden Lion!"[/i][/h2][/color][/center] [hr] [color=DC143C][b]Name:[/b][/color] Seika, the Pirate Princess [color=DC143C][b]Age:[/b][/color] 17 years old [color=DC143C][b]Starting Location/Current Location:[/b][/color] East Blue [color=DC143C][b]Appearance:[/b][/color] Standing at five feet and seven inches tall, Seika has always looked older than she actually was. With a slim body, long limbs and youthful features, it's almost as if one sent a fragile porcelain doll to become a pirate. She's rather prone of wearing outfits that are more fitting for a fancy hike instead of seafaring. She opted against wearing her father's steering wheel on her head as it'd be too silly, instead carrying a necklace with that symbol. [color=DC143C][b]Personality:[/b][/color] Gorgeous and majestic. Noble and wise beyond her years. With an intellect that dwarfs the most important thinkers of the century and a beauty that'd make the days longer simply because the sun desires to see her more, Seika is, truly, a genious of a generation and a wonder to be marvelled at. Nothing less could be expected from the second eldest of Shiki's childs. At least, that's how she'd describe herself. Others would most definitely use less kinder phrases: "Too big for her boots", "Talks a bit too much", "If it wasn't because of her position, I'd have taught some manners to that kid", "Thank god she's not a World Noble", "I once made her eat a beetle saying it was chocolate", "One day she came to me crying because she had been tricked into eating a bug, it was kind of cute" and, finally: "Her mother fired me because my son made her eat a bug". Haughty, petty and arrogant, Seika has always gotten whatever she wanted whenever she wanted, and she's quite used to things going her way. That's how she was raised, and that's how she thinks the world should be. Anything that doesn't meet her standards is liable to light up her short temper and end up with a tantrum from the young lady. Because, if there's one thing she does better than anyone else, is relying on others to get things done for her. Something important to note about her is that she is not completely useless. Whilst her knowledge on all things related to navigation, ship maintainance and other matters that are basic to one that calls themselves a pirate, Seika remains rather well-read and educated in other matters that are more important to the life of who was set to be a noblewoman. Intrigue, etiquette and even some knowledge of how the world works beyond the East Blue. Perhaps more importantly of all, she knows how Sire Durdsley proposed to Lady Marion in her favourite novel. [hr] [color=DC143C][b]Dream/Goal:[/b][/color] Become a world renowned pirate by performing a feat so great that her father would have no remedy but to approve of her. Like rescuing him from Impel Down. [color=DC143C][b]History:[/b][/color] A quick way to understand Seika's life and behavior is to look at her older brother, Nikko. Or, rather, at how their father, Shiki the Golden Lion, doted upon him and shaped him up to become the heir of his empire. And, in all the attention that he gave her brother, Seika got none from him. Whilst Nikko looked forward to catching a glimpse of Gold Roger, Seika longed to have Shiki treat her with the same enthusiasm and care he gave to her brother's childhood. Whilst Nikko was taken under their father's wing, Seika was left under their mother's care, who did what she could to make sure that she could fill the space Shiki left in her life with some proper education in hopes that she'd stray from the path to piracy. However, even there the influence from the Golden Lion could be felt, and she was quick to use his name in order to open some doors for herself, such as free food and priviledges over the populace of the island. Naturally, her mother didn't approve such behaviors, but she did her best to nudge Seika towards as best of a path as she could. She had to be commended, because it was her idea to prepare the young girl to be a proper match for the ruling class of the islands. Slowly but surely, she began to prepare the pirate's daughter to be a proper bride so that her father's reputation wouldn't catch up to her once his life outside the law ultimately caught up to him. During the time Nikko spent trying to cut his ties with the Golden Lion, Seika had been busy reinforcing hers and using this power to get away with her petty actions. It was this way that she obtained the Tsuki Tsuki no Mi, a Devil Fruit left behind from Shiki's hunt for the Sun Sun fruit that he gifted Nikko. However, even if she ate it, she never truly bothered to learn how it worked. It's not like she knew how to swim anyway. What made her finally turn into following her father's footsteps was the New Age of Piracy. Having moved to the East Blue at her mother's request in order to strike up a suitable couple, she opted to instead use the money she had been given to order up a ship to be built on a local shipyard and hire a crew in order to sail to the Grand Line. And then, once she became a great pirate, she'd use her magnificent fleet to free her father and rule the seas by his side. It'll be great. [hr] [color=DC143C][b]Crew:[/b][/color] The real Red Lion Pirates. A very real and proper pirate crew [color=DC143C][b]Ship:[/b][/color] [i]The Crimson Vengeance[/i] - A sixty-five feet long single mast sloop that's being finished by the start of the story, designed for speed. It has ports for twelve cannons in total, but Seika ran out of money to outfit it with them. Not very outstanding [color=DC143C][b]Specialty/Profession:[/b][/color] Professional Honored Guest / Ship Captain (She claims to be, although she tends to relegate all of the tasks to someone else) [color=DC143C][b]Fighting Style:[/b][/color] Seika doesn't really fight, instead opting to let others take care of the other conflicts. If the push comes to shove, she'll show off her mediocre swordfighting skills and the repelling capabilities of her Devil Fruit. [color=DC143C][b]Weapons:[/b][/color] A rapier with a lion-themed hilt, a thin, 40 inches long blade emerging from its open mouth. She almost never uses it for combat, saying she carries it because a captain needs a proper weapon for her captaining duties, like pointing towards a direction or used a handrest whilst gazing towards the horizon. [color=DC143C][b]Devil Fruit:[/b][/color] [i]Tsuki Tsuki no Mi[/i] - A Paramecia devil fruit known as the Moon Moon fruit. Regarded the sister fruit of the Sun Sun fruit, its performance is much more underwhelming than that its more impressive counterpart. Consuming the fruit will turn the user into a Moon Person. In contrast to the clear prowess of becoming an energy reactor, the person who consumes this fruit will gain the capability of pushing or pulling things surrounding them at will. Through training, one can learn to control this force more carefully to the point of only exerting this force in a single direction or even on a single object. One can also learn how to maintain this force more consistently and over a longer period of time, otherwise it'd come off only in brief bursts that will eventually take a toll on its possessor's stamina. It's been said that a master of this fruit's capabilities can fine-tune them enough to make objects orbit them or even be capable of manipulating the sea surrounding them to a minimal degree. Nevertheless, Seika has never bothered to train with this fruit, and as such her capabilities with this fruit are limited to pushing everything and everyone away from her in a short burst of force. [hr] [color=DC143C][b]Items:[/b][/color] Lots of books she tucked in the bookcases of her ship's captain quarters. Whilst a couple of them cover economy, geography and nautical matters, their pristine covers and pasty white sheets give away the fact that she prefers the fantastic and romantic novels and plays that far outnumber their educational counterparts. Also a golden steering wheel necklace. [color=DC143C][b]Bounty:[/b][/color] None, yet. [color=DC143C][b]Color:[/b] [i]"DC143C is a colour that definitely fits a great captain such as myself!"[/i][/color][/hider]