[h3][center]The Silent Desert[/center][/h3] [hr] Jaslyn heard Selene’s voice faint and fluttery like a small bird in hand. Then felt a wave of panic that was cut short as the girl passed out. Jaslyn rushed over and checked Selene.[color=yellow] “Selene? We’re on Tython. Selene? The Silent Desert do you remember that?”[/color] She grabbed a canteen that was still half full of water and unscrewed the lid. Jaslyn pulled out a piece of soft cloth and poured water on it. Then she wiped Selene’s forehead with the damp cloth. Selene’s upper body shot upward fast and hard--had Jaslyn been any closer their heads would have smacked together. And there Selene stayed for another moment until it stretched into another, time lingering for her in ways it didn’t even minutes before. [i]Were they minutes? Not months? Not years?[/i] Selene was deeply sad, having been placed back in her mind and body, limited, contained, disconnected...the Force was her only comfort. And the other emotions, the other feelings, and thoughts...the other person attached to her. To Jaslyn. Finally her eyes snapped to Jaslyn, and suddenly Selene recalled the world awaiting them outside. “Let’s go. I know how to get us out, now. They’re waiting for us...they’re all waiting for us.” Half of what she saw she could even seem to wrap her mind around, the other half was seared into memory so deep she still felt the heat. Nothing tasted the same, nothing smelled the same, nothing looked the same. It’s as if she had taken a dip to Chaos for a change of perspective; but it hadn’t been Chaos. Standing was casual and quick, her hand offering out to assist Jaslyn get up. Her eyes were so dark they might as well had been black as ink, the blacks of her eyes flecked silver. Selene’s only thought as the doors of the ancient vessel and refuge began their slow titanic opening. The vibration and sound not close to a problem for Selene to speak to Jaslyn. [i]”I promise not to get you killed. Try to do what they tell you, and please never go looking into my past.[/i] Both were warnings; both were lethal in nature. The robe was tossed off with a shrug and a sigh even as she began walking out. Sunlight glittered off her inner eyes at odd angles in brilliant reflection as her utility belt was dropped, it’s contents had been reduced to personal device she now wiped as she walked out. There was no weapon. Her hair had been reduced to a loose ponytail that ended halfway down her back, only her dark purple tunic and black pants left besides the dull black shin high boots with heavy black straps. The heavy desert sun didn’t seem to bother her much as the storms began to spread apart and die, letting in bright rays between cloud. She stopped only feet from the Jedi. She had to wonder if that wasn’t determination she felt, and no actual anger? [i]Go ahead, Jedi. Take me to your Council.[/i] Kyla’s eyes glanced at the two that had emerged from the sandstone dome, an expression of disappointment etching across her features as she noticed Jaslyn alongside a stranger. The dark eyed woman seemed to shimmer with the Force enough so that it made the battlemaster’s skin shiver. She was saddened to see the ginger haired padawan standing so eagerly beside her, but did not truly believe she was lost to the Order. Kyla hoped with every inch of her fiber that Jaslyn would leave the stranger and stand beside her fellow Jedi, her friends, but no such thing occurred. It was not the first time she had seen a promising young Jedi abandon the Order so quickly, and it would not be the last. Such a rapid turn likely was one fueled by confusion, desperation and curiosity. Strangely enough this Force addled woman seemed to surrender herself peacefully, though Kyla was watchful of deceit. She did not feel the Force emit off this one like it did with Sith, and she had faced down many Sith in her past. It was a bizarre sensation, one that the battlemaster was unfamiliar with. In the back of her mind she took note of the planet seemingly returning to calmness, slowly but surely. It was all too strange. Nevertheless Kyla took a step towards her, before suddenly stopping as her padawan dashed by her. San Anin could not help but feel herself grow angered by the sight of Selene, she could feel the darkness within her and it only served to warp the padawan’s conflicted mind to an increasing anger. The same two scenes of dying Jedi looped in her mind, over and over, faster than her mind could process them and understand that she needed to let go. Her hand pulled away from her master and instantly the green blade of her saber ignited as her mind acted on instinct alone. The instinct drove her to leap at Selene, her feet kicking up sand as she lowered her lightsaber to attempt to stab at the dark sided and exact vengeance for her fallen companions. Jaslyn had followed Selene blinking into the sunlight. Keeping pace with Selene she drew up beside her. She raised an eyebrow at Selene’s easy surrender. But within seconds she could feel the volatile hatred coming off someone and she didn’t hesitate to draw only one of her own sabers flicking it on. Recognizing San she voided her countenance of all emotion and blocked the younger Padawans thrust. Nothing offensive. Just purely defensive. She signed with her free hand and concentrated to project the thought outwards to the others in the area.[color=yellow][i] Stand down San Anin. She has surrendered.[/i][/color] Jaslyn was calm, her motions fluid and her eyes on San Anin. Calm mostly due to the fact that she was holding the saber. Internally she pushed down the hurt that drawing on a fellow Padawan caused. Now was the time to use the skills that Master Merrian was always pushing her towards. Cool heads win battles. Negotiate from a point of strength. Well she could try and see where that got her. Jaslyn braced to block San again if needed. Hopefully Battlemaster Kyla was able to reel back in control and mitigate the situation before it got worse. San had been too quick for Brye during her first strike. However the older Padawan was prepared after Jaslyn had blocked San’s attack. She hadn’t the time to think over why Jaslyn was with the Dark Sider that had caused so much chaos and pain, San Anin came first in this instance. Brye reached out as the two stood face to face. One hand held straight out until she could feel San through use of the Force. The Padawan pulled then, hard enough to move San back towards Brye and Kyla. She did not want to witness any death today, not after Dxun, and not on Tython. Not a fellow Padawan; but especially not one she regarded as a friend. So when San had been pulled back to Brye, the older Padawan took her friends shoulder with one hand and pulled her back further. San was safely behind Brye and Kyla, the older Padawan looking to her friend with a very stern gaze. They would talk later, now was not the time. Bryethe’s focus turned back to the duo. Jaslyn and the Dark Sider. How did a fellow Padawan get caught up with a Dark Sider to begin with? Kyla shot daggers at San, confusion evident in her eyes as she looked towards her padawan being held back. It was the second time the girl had given in to her emotions and lashed out. She could sense the conflict brewing inside of San as the outburst had gone on, vengeance seeped off of her. It was a disappointing development on top of a very upsetting day. The battlemaster raised an open left palm towards both the padawans, indicating for them both to stop and stay exactly where they were. The experienced Jedi would seize control of this situation before it spiraled further. [i]Everyone relax. I’m Jedi Master Kyla Vondin, there are more Jedi on the way. A fight gets none of us anywhere. I accept your surrender, set down your weapons and put your hands behind your head. No harm will come to you, I promise.[/i] She signaled to the two across from them, staring down Selene and then Jaslyn. Her expression firm and serious. The battlemaster was not looking for more death, that would solve nothing especially while an offer of surrender had been made already. The youngest padawan, however, had frozen in place at the touch of her friend and the glare from her master. Almost as if the actions she had taken finally registered in her head, allowing her emotions to control her and force her to act on impulse. Shame immediately registered within her, as she stood there, staring at her master before looking away with embarrassment. San Anin needed to think, but with a being of such darkness have driven the planet to such chaos, to have caused the death of a Jedi Knight in front of her eyes, such reflection was hard to make. Jaslyn blinked and turned off her saber and straightened up.[color=yellow][i] Master Kyla she has no weapons.[/i][/color] Jaslyn put up her saber. Jaslyn looked up at Master Kyla everything falling into place. Master Kyla included her in the statement. Jaslyn’s eyes widened as she looked at Selene then at Master Kyla. Shaking her head more at the situation than anything else and just how right Selene turned out to be. Slowly she took off her belt that housed her sabers, canteen and communicator along with other odds and ends. Jaslyn laid them down gently between herself and Master Kyla. She trusted that Selene would more than keep her word. She stood up and put her hands behind her head. [i]Excellent. You will both brought before the council. We are not the Sith, we’re not going to hurt you.[/i] Kyla signaled with another firm look as she used the Force to pull Jaslyn’s belt towards her. For a brief moment she clenched it in her hand before turning and handing it to Brye. Kyla took no enjoyment in bringing in rogue Jedi. The mysterious woman with Jaslyn was a different story, she was intrigued to ask her questions and find out exactly why she was her. As well as more importantly how she found Tython, if anyone else knew of it that could put the Order once more in grave danger. Brye took the belt, almost hesitantly, as Kyla handed it to her. The Padawan looked at it briefly, her other hand squeezing San’s shoulder before it moved to Brye’s side. One hand holding the belt, her other rested next to her saber. It was more of a habit than anything, as Brye watched the scene. Overhead, shuttles of Jedi circled as they watched everyone below. Giving no signal that help was needed, the shuttles continued to hover, watching the group closely. Brye wasn’t sure what to feel at that moment. The Dark Sider surrendered immediately, why? Did she come to Tython for something, did she surrender because it was acquired, or did she fail her mission? She knew these two would be brought back to the Temple and questioned. Brye hardly cared what happened to the Dark Sider, that was up to the Council and it was not for her to prod. However, Brye was worried for Jaslyn. The older Padawan felt betrayed; she felt tricked, for why was Jaslyn with this Dark Sider? And what would happen to her fellow padawan? Kyla’s eyes went to skies above them, a smile slipping onto her face as the world had returned to calmness. Serenity danced across the once more clear skies of Tython, signaling the end of the dark side fueled disturbance. The sandstorms dissipated across the desert, silently fading away as the Jedi shuttles hovered above. She raised her hand up and signaled for them to land. They would load the mysterious Selene aboard them along with Jaslyn, then bring both back to the temple to stand before the council. The battlemaster was delighted such an eventful day did not end with more bloodshed. Elav’s death still stung to think about, as did San’s emotion fueled actions. The first shuttle landed beside them, the backdoors coming open slowly as a trio of Jedi emerged. Kyla motioned to them, then to Brye so the padawan would also go on that shuttle. The two ‘prisoners’ would be placed on the shi[ and given a dedicated watch to ensure no more trouble from them. They had both thankfully turned themselves over the order without conflict, and would not be harmed. The battlemaster was intrigued to learn of what had occured in the mysterious sandstone temple, as well as deep in the Rift. As she turned back towards her ship the battlemaster let out a sigh of relief. The crashed shuttle was being attended to by other Jedi, and the situation was being handled properly. The massive wyrm was still on the loose, but the Order would see that issue attended to firmly. Kyla placed a hand on San’s shoulder, then lead her emotionally troubled padawan back to her starfighter. They would have to have a long conversation about the events of today.