[Center][img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjQ4LmY1MjQzNS5VMlYwZEdsdVp5QkpibVp2Y20xaGRHbHZiZywsLjAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA/elemental-end.regular.png[/img][/Center] [Center][img]https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/638eba92-fe6f-4473-92b7-b055a01223f1/ddg4tjc-12524537-fc6f-440e-91c8-33475b1d4d9a.png/v1/fill/w_1154,h_692,strp/9_13_19_proper_gundam_lifeline_map_by_crosswire40_ddg4tjc-pre.png?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7ImhlaWdodCI6Ijw9NzY4IiwicGF0aCI6IlwvZlwvNjM4ZWJhOTItZmU2Zi00NDczLTkyYjctYjA1NWEwMTIyM2YxXC9kZGc0dGpjLTEyNTI0NTM3LWZjNmYtNDQwZS05MWM4LTMzNDc1YjFkNGQ5YS5wbmciLCJ3aWR0aCI6Ijw9MTI4MCJ9XV0sImF1ZCI6WyJ1cm46c2VydmljZTppbWFnZS5vcGVyYXRpb25zIl19.pu_CZfQoSFMS36M30MxRb2_sNL33mjwBQZxrrbM4_tE[/img][/Center] [h2][color=red][b]Planets and People[/b][/color][/h2] [hider=Mars, Martians, and the Refined] [Center][img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjEwNi5iZDAwMTEuVFdGeWN3LCwuMA,,/imperial-one.regular.png[/img][/Center] Home of the wealthy, powerful, and privileged Mars has become a second Earth thanks to the terraforming done to it. From deep blue oceans, red deserts, thick jungles, and temperate forests the once barren world is home to a variety of biomes. Many flora and fauna were transplanted from Earth giving it a proper living ecosystem. The population levels of Mars are strictly controlled, with the main justification being the need to protect the still rather fragile Martian environment. However over the years a strong sense of entitlement and elitism has cropped up giving additional encouragement to keep non-Martians from ever setting foot on the planet. As such it’s virtually impossible to immigrate to Mars unless you’re filthy rich, connected, and willing to lie through your teeth about your heritage. Other measures have been put in place to protect the Martian environment. While plenty of necessary and emergency facilities were built on Mars, a tremendous amount of Martian industry is on it’s moons. Factories, shipyards, and other heavy machine works on Phobos and Deimos keep Mars pollution free. In terms of government Mars is currently run by an absolute monarchy with the Emperor, and to a lesser extent the rest of the royal family, holding the power and authority to do whatever they wish with no real constraints or constitutional bindings. A parliament exists that drafts laws and proposals for the royal family on behalf of the public, but the Emperor has the final say in whether or not they become enforced laws. The current Emperor at the start of the roleplay is suffering from a terminal illness and is slowly dying. Due to laws in place he can’t be removed from position of Emperor until his death and is not in a position to declare who in the royal family becomes the next Emperor/Empress. As such many members of the royal family have begun vying for power. The cities of Mars have a deliberate layout to them and an old world beauty that even the modern world was barren of. Even in the most concentrated of urban centers like the capital there is life everywhere from trees, to grassy lawns, to hanging gardenings and lots of glass-like material used in the architecture. While beautiful the environment of Mars is still rather fragile. Even after nearly half a millennia the ecosystem is still properly taking root and strengthening itself. Many still fear that any sudden damage to it could destroy it or damage it beyond repair. As such there are incredibly harsh restrictions regarding environmental care and pollution. These laws are some of the few that not even the royal family or the richest of the rich are excluded from. Gene therapy and genetic manipulation are common practices on Mars. During the initial arrival to Mars, there were concerns if the measures of boosting the gravity of Mars would deteriorate over time. To ensure the people didn’t develop fragile bones or organs the arrivals were put through gene therapy treatments. Those who were sent away in the Great Exodus didn’t receive the full treatments while those who remained only received more. Overtime these treatments enhanced the bodies of the Martian people making them stronger, faster, and more healthier than normal humans. Though these treatments eventually dropped off as concerns over Mars's gravity stopped the effects can still be seen in the Martian population today. The Royal Family as well as members of the nobility, still use genetic modification and gene therapy per ‘tradition’ to enhance themselves even further. As a result of prior and ongoing modifications some Martian people have exhibited an unusual ability. When placed in a high stress, life or death situations they will enter into an “Overclocked” state where their mental and physical faculties briefly surpass their limitations to achieve incredible feets. People capable of entering into these ‘states’ are known as The Refined and are considered to be from quality bloodlines. [/hider] [hider=Luna, Lunites, and Cybernetics] [center][img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjEwNi40Y2YwYzMuVEhWdVlRLCwuMA,,/tt-moons-thin-demo.italic.png[/img][/center] Like Mars, Luna was originally meant to be terraformed. Though the process of doing so a small, atmosphere barren moon would have proved an incredible challenge, Umhlaba felt terraforming the moon would have one day allowed the Earth to be reclaimed. In the end terraforming was abandoned in favor of building habitats beneath the moon’s surface. Round, cylindrical habitats were built underground, spun to generate the necessary gravity to maintain the inhabitants inside. During the escape from Earth, Luna was used as a resupply point before the ships left for Mars. Months later after the Great Exodus, people would return permanently to the Moon to live there. Luna was agriculturally focused with underground habitats featuring massive plots and facilities for growing crops. Though plenty of plants and animals had been brought to Mars to build the ecosystem, Luna housed almost every fruit, flower, herb, and tree from Earth. Each cylinder of the underground habitats were given specialized temperatures for growing the appropriate crops. Wheat, maize, apples, bananas, coco plants, coffee, willow trees, and much more. Systems were in place to collect sunlight and release it into the habitats, with advanced techniques were in place to ensure the plants would thrive. Machines and facilities were setup to ensure nothing went to waste and everything was used. Soiled crops were ground up to be used as fertilizer, banana skins were processed into fiber and fabric, and many things were converted into oils, liquors, and medicines. However following the Great Exodus it became clear that there weren’t enough technically minded people amongst the survivors to properly run or maintain everything. Drastic measures were taken and all the new citizens of Luna were fitted with a rudimentary cybernetic implant of sorts. This allowed them to directly connect to computers and systems, allowing them to more easily run and interact with them. As years pressed on cybernetics only became more and more common, with cybernetic limbs replacing ones lost in accidents and further improvements being made. Luna’s close proximity to Earth also allowed the residents to launch secret, undocumented trips back to Earth where they scavenged advanced electronics and research documents. Though the implants enhanced the Lunite’s way of life, many Martians began to look down on cybernetics. Believing that the Lunites were so poorly educated they needed machines stuck up inside of them to be able to do anything. While the Lunites enjoyed fresh air, clean living, and were never short of fresh food, many were stuck working as farmers or maintenance workers with almost no opportunity for advancement. They were stuck working plots of land, being paid meagerly even for bountiful harvests, and being looked down on by Martians. This, plus Luna’s proximity to Earth, helped give birth to the Rise of Piracy. With disgruntled farmers and cargo haulers refitting their ships and robbing trading vessels heading back from Venus or headed to Mars. For a time these pirates made a mockery of the Martian Fleet, before the advent of mobile suits crushed them and chased them off Luna. While many pirates have made bases on or around the grey, toxic Earth, Luna still sees many pirates slip into its ports and docks either to trade or fence their ill-gotten goods Being fitted with various cybernetics, many Lunites have an easier time working with technology as they can directly connect themselves to many systems. Depending on the type and extensiveness of their cybernetics they might have enhanced physical abilities or senses. All Lunites have a basic connection implant located beneath the base of their neck. [/hider] [hider=The Dead Earth] [center][img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjEwNi44ZTY5MjUuUldGeWRHZywuMA,,/the-dead-saloon.regular.png[/img][/center] The Earth is a blasted wasteland with ashen skies, dark seas, and an almost perpetual overcast to it. However it was discovered in recent decades that the Earth isn’t entirely uninhabitable. The atmosphere is breathable if not exactly conducive to a long life and plant and animal life still exist to some degree. Humans were also discovered to have survived, but they have since devolved into more primitive societies. “Expeditions” were lead by the Mars Empire on a few occasions, bringing back items of interest and making slaves of some of the natives. After the Rebirth of Piracy and its decline with the advent of mobile suits, Pirates and criminals alike began to make bases on and around the Earth. By using it as a jump-off point they could conduct raids on shipping lanes and cargo ships. Those living on Earth are few in number compared to those living in space. Many suffer from debilitating illnesses or ongoing health problems due to the toxicity of their environments. In spite of this, plenty of criminals have found a profit in catching the primitive humans on Earth and selling them for profit as slaves or indentured servants. [/hider] [hider=Venus and Human-Kai] [center][img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjEwNi5mOGJiMmEuVm1WdWRYTSwuMA,,/rebel.regular.png[/img][/center] Venus is practically a twin of Earth, having almost identical size and gravity. If it weren’t for the dense toxic atmosphere, sulphuric storms, and intense heat of the surface it’d be a wonderful place to live. Despite the hazards colonies were built on Venus, or rather around it. Due to the nature of Venu’s atmosphere oxygen is a lifting gas. This made the production of floating living habitats high in the upper atmosphere easier than it normally would have been. In the upper atmosphere heat isn’t an issue and the corrosive sulphuric compounds are manageable. These habitat platforms are like bottled cities. Behind thick walls of plastisteel, carbon nanotube plates, and seals are buildings, roads, street lamps, and the setup that you would expect to see in an urban living center. They are quite large and the ones built over the years have only grown larger with the smallest one holding at least 800,000 people. Each of these platforms was designed to be self-maintainable, equipped with a specialized factory where outside gases are sucked up and processed. Oxygen for breathing (and keeping the colony afloat) and carbon building materials are processed from carbon dioxide. Other gases and elements are pulled and processed from the atmosphere including deuterium, which has become vital for clean power generation. While large and maintainable, the colonies of Venus aren’t very pleasant to live in. On the outside they are dark hexagonal platforms with domed tops and inside they aren’t any more easier on the eyes. Venusian colonies aren’t given false skies only a projection of the outside which typically consists of the dark orange smog of the Venusian atmosphere and star littered space. There are few if any plants outside of hydroponic farms with trees and grass being non existent. Steel, plastic, carbon, concrete, and asphalt are what many Venusians are born and die seeing, leaving their lives devoid of color and natural beauty. After a few centuries of work the atmosphere of Venus has thinned significantly, reducing the unbearable heat and crushing pressure of the surface below to levels manageable enough to allow for safe travel to the surface. Workers in protective space suits and mobile workers have begun mining, geo-thermic tapping, and even limited construction. However much of the surface of Venus still remains unexplored with people often going missing and mobile workers turning up destroyed. All kinds of rumors are abound as to the reasons, but most assume it's simply due to the treachery of the Venusian surface. The thinning of the atmosphere has also made the colonies more difficult to keep afloat, requiring more and more air. Many colonies have started to dip downwards leaving many concerned about the stability of the habitats. Worse yet is that exposure to various gases, chemicals, and strange radiation has caused the Venusians to suffer mutations over time. Many Venusians have a heartier body, being more resistant to G-forces while at the same time having increased risk of cancer and being born with disabilities. In recent years a strange ‘mutation’ has begun to get noticed. Some Venusians have begun to experience moments where they can tell something is about to occur before it does, almost as if they had precognitive flashes. Changes in the strength of their brain waves were also measured and some claimed to have other strange abilities, but Martian scientists simply see it as a new mental illness occurring amidst the populace. Some however label refer to these people as [i]Human Kai[/i]. While lacking in a natural environment or facilities for meaningful agricultural development, Venus makes up for it by having tremendous industrial capacity. Refineries process all manner of metals, chemicals, and materials while countless factories produce everything from walls, to firearms, to furniture and munitions. All of these vast and lucrative enterprises are owned by Martians. Venusian owned businesses are often overrun or at the mercy of large corporate conglomerates that stamp them out or outright assimilate them. Jobs are very much the same. There are always job openings for factory workers, miners, and technicians. However the corporations can get away with paying Venusians next to nothing and having them work long hours in potentially dangerous conditions. All this on top of the high taxes needed to maintain the Zern Empire’s army and and the limited opportunities and inequality faced by Venusians has led to a drastic increase in poverty and crime over the past few decades. Increased frustrations and a desire for better living have driven many Venusians to take desperate action in one form or another. The vocal outcry for terraforming Venus and having independence from the Empire is strong, but often falls on deaf ears. As such armed rebellion has begun to occur from simple riots and fights with Martian security forces, to outright attacks on Martian military assets and attempts on the lives of the leaders installed by the Martian Royal Family. [color=red][b]Annona Colony:[/b][/color] A space colony built at a Lagrange Point around Venus. As the habitats of Venus grew more numerous, more developed, and more crowded the Zern Empire saw fit to build a proper place for administrative staff to live. The massive cylinder shaped colony spins, producing an artificial gravity and allowing structures to be built on the inside walls. Collection systems capture sunlight and project them into the colony to give an artificial day and night cycle. Unlike the crowded Venusian habitats there is plenty of space in the Annona Colony. With wide streets, beds of grass, and even trees. Many Martians who work or own property on Venus typically live on Annona. Though some Martians settle for homes in the Venusian habitats to avoid the hassle of having to travel back and forth, Venusians are by and large barred from the colony. [color=red][b]Space Fortress Gaspra:[/b][/color] Over 100 years ago the Zern Fleet fixed massive engines to the Gaspra asteroid. They moved its orbit and put it between Mars and the Moon, hollowing it out and turning it into a supply outpost. During the Rebirth of Piracy however the outpost became a military base, a proper fortress It was moved again and placed in orbit near Venus to serve as a proper military installation for the military garrison on and around Venus to work with. [/hider][h2][color=red][b]Factions[/b][/color][/h2][hider=The Zern Empire] [center][img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjEwNi5mODNkMmEuVkdobElGcGxjbTRnUlcxd2FYSmwuMA,,/coinage-caps-kruger-gray.regular.png[/img][/center] [center][img]https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/638eba92-fe6f-4473-92b7-b055a01223f1/ddg4vso-5237b40d-cbbe-4ac8-b120-e662ab8757e8.png/v1/fill/w_1070,h_747,strp/9_13_19_zern_empire_flag_roughdraft_by_crosswire40_ddg4vso-pre.png?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7ImhlaWdodCI6Ijw9ODkzIiwicGF0aCI6IlwvZlwvNjM4ZWJhOTItZmU2Zi00NDczLTkyYjctYjA1NWEwMTIyM2YxXC9kZGc0dnNvLTUyMzdiNDBkLWNiYmUtNGFjOC1iMTIwLWU2NjJhYjg3NTdlOC5wbmciLCJ3aWR0aCI6Ijw9MTI4MCJ9XV0sImF1ZCI6WyJ1cm46c2VydmljZTppbWFnZS5vcGVyYXRpb25zIl19._VYxRDzcQcmhbftCzWl5J1RIc8A6BkWbWJGHw7V06wk[/img][/center] After the fall of Earth, mankind became wildly disillusioned with the modern forms of government that ruled prior to the end. Democracy, socialism, all of them had failed to stop the destruction of the Earth. Meanwhile the decisions of one man had preserved mankind and allowed them to escape their doom. This disillusionment and display of the strength of the individual gave way for the monarchy of the Empire. An absolute monarchy where the King’s word is law. Though institutions like parliament exist to draft laws and present them to the king based on the people’s wants or needs, his decision presides everything else. Despite the archaic nature of the governing setup the people are quite happy with it, that is the ones on Mars are. Direct rule from Mars is how the Empire operates with Luna and Venus being held to the laws and decisions made on Mars. Venus has a Governor chosen based on skill or recommendations from within the military or mobility, acting as a middle man and being allowed to make some decisions without oversight of the nobles back home. However, not all decisions are made with consideration for Luna or Venus. Those laws are upheld and administered in the colonies by the Imperial Army and the Imperial Fleet. Those laws are upheld and administered in the colonies by the Imperial Army and Fleet. They work to protect shipping lanes from piracy and intervene to stop violent incidents and plots of insurrection. They are well armed, well trained, and garrisoned around Luna and Venus. Patrolling the streets, performing searchers on vessels, and using force where they feel it is needed. The Empire above all else wishes to safeguard the human race by preserving unity through a strong, competent monarchy. Those loyal to the Empire believe, rightfully so, that mankind is still in a fragile state. With the Earth more or less dead, and Mars still developing a resilient ecosystem, a single incident could spiral out of control and easily lay waste to what is left of humanity. They oppose the Mekon movement because of the instability and damage it would bring to both Mars and the rest of colonized space. Allowing the Venusians to be self-governed could give rise to a destructive form of government from the past and lead to future conflict. At the same time appealing to the Venusians and terraforming Venus would deprive the Empire of vital resources needed to maintain it. While many in the Empire understand this and take action to prevent disaster, others act with less noble motivations in mind. Many on Mars look down on those living on Venus and Luna, judging them from a great distance and a position of comfort. They have misconceptions about their fellow man and view their differences, like the Lunites cybernetics and Venusians mutations with disgust. These attitudes make it difficult for Lunites and Venusians to rise out of their difficult conditions and make anything of themselves. Older members in the military treat those in the Empire’s territories with disdain, believing a firm hand is always needed even in situations where force will only escalate things. The Zern Empire is torn between its desire to safeguard humanity and its own biased trappings of luxury and power. [h3][b]Details on the Politics and Royal Family[/b][/h3] The Martian Political system is assembled very much like an absolute monarchy. #1--> Emperor At the top, is the Emperor. His word is law, period. #2--> The Royal Family Direct relations to the Emperor. They usually have quite a bit of sway and even if they aren't in some kind of position they have a lot of influence. #3--> Nobility/House of Lords Distant relations to the Emperor or people who have come into nobility through money, military achievements, etc. They form the house of lords where the rich and powerful discuss things and write up issues or suggestions to the Emperor himself to consider. He can simply ignore them if he pleases, but most good Emperors at least heard them out. #4--> Military The Zern Fleet and Military is a proud institution and one that has political benefits. Accomplishments in battle or during service can help improve someone's standing and give them influence in the political world. Though this mostly only applies to higher ups who can actually earn titles and win their way into nobility. #5--> House of Commons The non-noble people of Mars also have a legislative body where they can do the same things the nobles do, only they're not as frequently heard out. However, at this time, the Empire is in a bit of a chaotic time. The current Emperor is brain damaged and has gradually been deteriorating since the incident on the [i]Venue[/i]. Yet because the Emperor isn’t dead, he cannot be removed from his position. This leaves the Empire in a difficult spot as the strong, central figure meant to be guiding the Empire is barely lucid. Worse yet is that this is a prime chance for those not in direct line of succession to take hold of the throne...[h3][b]Faction Specifics and Benefits[/b][/h3] Those apart of the Zern Empire’s military or otherwise loyal to the crown have access to its vast resources. They can choose from any mobile suit mass produced by the Empire with free reign over their armaments and equipment. Sufficiently high ranking or contributing individuals or soldiers are even allowed to customize their mobile suits. [Center][u]-Ranks from lowest to highest-[/u][/Center] [color=red][b]Munifex:[/b][/color] A non-specialized, regular soldier and the lowest on the totem pole. They can be anything from rookie pilots, ship crew, to simple foot soldiers. Though they have no real authority or power, they also don't have any responsibilities outside of doing as they're told and not dying. [color=red][b]Avocati:[/b][/color] Experienced, accomplished, or simply veteran soldiers who have remained with the Martian military. They are given authority over younger, less skilled and experienced troops. Often being put in charge of individual infantry or mobile suit teams.Though they often get priority over their underlings regarding equipment, they have to take responsibility for any poor outcomes [color=red][b]Immuni:[/b][/color] Specialists such as engineers, military police, doctors, and such. They are exempt from more menial duties so they can focus on their roles. As long as they accomplish what they’re told to do they have free reign and authority over lower ranks regarding things pertaining to their field. [color=red][b]Signifer:[/b][/color] The equivalent of a local commander, tasked with overseeing the control of a handful of squads and units. They are the lowest commanding rank. However as long as they stick to the objectives set by their superiors they have a large degree of autonomy in how they can go about accomplishing them. [color=red][b]Optio:[/b][/color] The equivalent of an executive officer, a second in command that handles the specifics of things to allow the commander [color=red][b]Tesserarius:[/b][/color] A special rank that either signifies qualification for the captainship of a vessel (under normal circumstances) or one’s position as an intelligence operative in the Zern Military’s Intelligence Bureau. [color=red][b]Centurion:[/b][/color] Centurion is the rank of a professional officer, often put in charge of large numbers of units (ships, infantry, mobile suit teams) or entire areas. They are paid more than Signifers or Tesserarius, almost exorbitantly so. The rank of Centurion can be gained normally, through notable deeds in battle, or (most commonly) granted through noble connections. Where once Centurions were remarkably skilled and feared men, their ranks have since become deluded with political glory seekers of little skill or merit. [color=red][b]Tribune:[/b][/color] A rank of military and political significance. Tribune is the lowest rank (under normal circumstances) that a member of the Zern military must be in order to earn ranks of nobility for their deeds. While the job of a tribune is far more bureaucratic than Centurion or Legate, it is nevertheless a highly sought after rank for those who join the military for political motivations. [color=red][b]Legate:[/b][/color] A high ranking military officer, equivalent to an advanced general officer in some respects. Legates have forces organized under them, which they have almost complete control. They answer only to higher ranking Generals, members of the royal family, and the Emperor himself. Despite being lower then General in rank, Legates tend to get a lot more attention and are often the ones to receive boons and awards for the success of the forces beneath them. This has made the rank very lucrative and is the target for most seeking to make a name for themselves. So much so that many Legates will drag their feet and try to dodge the advancement to general for as long as possible. [color=red][b]General:[/b][/color] The highest rank in the Zern Imperial Military and those who dictate the grand battle plans and objectives of the fleet and army. Their power and influence is only beneath that of potent nobles and that of the Royal Family itself. Generals are typically only selected from the oldest, most accomplished, or most connected individuals in the military. Though they more or less have supreme power in the military, only contestable by other generals and noble blood, their jobs are often bogged down by politics and a degree of bureaucracy. [/hider] [hider=Mekon Movement] [center][img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjEwNi5lNmExMzMuVFdWcmIyNGdUVzkyWlcxbGJuUSwuMAAA/rebel.regular.png[/img][/center] The Mekon Movement was born from the writings of a local Venusian by the name of Toland Mekon. He was born about 200 years prior in the year 299 of the Revolutionary Calendar. Being a simple factory worker exposed to brutal conditions, he was given a chance at a better life after assuming the identity of a dead man. Said dead man happened to have a tidy inheritance that Mekon used to pay for higher education. Journeying to Mars, Mekon enrolled in a university where he studied philosophy, history, and biology. During his stay at the university Mekon was said to have done research in the extensive archives kept there. He supposedly found a document revealing that the first king of the Zern Empire, Alfred Zern, made a promise to the people sent away in the Great Exodus. Promising them that when the Empire overflowed with wealth and the fruits of their labor, their homes would be terraformed and turned into paradises mirroring Mars. No such documents were ever found, with Mekon claiming they were destroyed shortly following the discovery of his real identity. Though Mekon avoided legal repercussions, he was badly beaten and sent back to Venus robbed of his new found wealth. Upon returning to Venus however he used his newfound knowledge in an effort to educate the people. Writing a book titled “The Great Wrongs and the Dreadful Rights.” Part of the book detailed his discoveries, voicing Mekon’s beliefs that Venusians were entitled to a home free of pollutants, squallor, and danger regardless of whether or not the promise of the first king was true. The second half of the book however dealt with his philosophical views. He wrote: [i]“Those born in adversity are superior to those born in luxury. The hardships faced by the smallest child on Venus dwarfs thosed faced by the richest man on Mars. In a measure of character and ability, Venusians stand fall taller then any currently living. Even wracked with disease and strange changes, Venusians have the greatest potential out of all peoples. The future belongs to Venusians for only they can become a better people, an improved people.”[/i] Though Mekon would die due to complications from injuries sustained during his beating and years inhaling toxic gases through a badly filtered suit, his writings would survive. They would sit in obscurity however until ten years ago. In 489 of the Revolutionary Calendar, particularly forceful action on the part of the Imperial Military in their effort to stem the Rebirth of Piracy angered the local populace. Young, angry factory workers stumbled upon Mekon’s work and after reading it, began to distribute it enmass throughout the Venus habitats. It wasn’t long before everyone had a copy of Toland Mekon’s “The Great Wrongs and the Dreadful Rights.” It sparked a movement that demanded the establishment of an independent Venusian government and the terraforming of Venus. At first the movement was small and peaceful, but as the years have stretched on the tensions have only grown more and more intense. Now full on rebellion is on the verge of breaking out with many, both Venusian and Lunite, taking up the banner of the Mekon movement. Currently the Mekon movement has no core leadership. They have no army, no easy access to weapons, or designs of their own. Instead they have access to whatever they can steal, refitting mobile workers for combat and remodeling cargo ships for battle. Many members of the Mekon movement have simply been pushed too far. They want a better life and a chance to make their own fate, free from the control of people who live far from their troubles. A new government, a new home, and a new better life for everyone is what many fight for in the movement. However not everyone in the Mekon Movement agrees completely. There are some differences of opinion and ways of interpreting Mekon’s text. With some taking what he wrote to mean that Martians were unsuited for guiding humanity and the Venusians were destined for the position. Others don’t care about the philosophy or long term effects that could come from their actions or potential victory. Plenty of Venusians are simply angry, embittered and spiteful after countless decades of mistreatment. They want to lash out, kill, and harm the Martians just to see them vulnerable and suffering like they so often have. Currently the Mekon Movement lacks any real ranks or organization. Those fighting and rebelling against the Empire often work off of agreed upon roles instead of an established conventional hiercharchy. Unlike the Zern Military the Mekon Movement has few proper weapons for the forces that support it. Most use modified civilian vessels and weaponized mobile workers for combat. Their production capabilities are limited to non-existent, leading to a make-shift attitude and a need to steal anything they can from the Zern Military. [/hider][h2][color=red][b]Manufacturers/Producers[/b][/color][/h2][hider=The Imperial Ordnance Company:] [b]The Imperial Ordnance Company:[/b] Established just a few years following the creation of the Kingdom of Mars, the Imperial Ordnance Company started out producing firearms for the new peacekeeping military. As the Kingdom became an Empire and the military grew, so did the size and reach of the Imperial Ordnance Company. The company went from producing firearms, to producing ships, to developing and producing the first mobile suit. They even pioneered MAG weapons producing them and most of the conventional Powder weaponry (both mobile suit and human sized) used in the Empire. At the moment they manufacture the MIMS-02 Tommy and its variants for the military, being one of the only ‘legitimate’ manufacturers of military mobile suits. [/hider] [hider=Sharp Workshop] [b]Sharp Workshop:[/b] Originally the Sharp Workshop was a small series of plants scattered about the moons of Mars that focused on making blades, general equipment for mining, and common mechanical parts. However they quickly became a house name brand when their Mobile Worker, the Scutson, won an imperial contract to replace the aging mobile workers they were using. With their profit they expanded, producing even more Scutons to keep up with demand and expanding into other areas of manufacturing. They even began to receive commissions to produce MIMS-02 Tommys when the Imperial Ordnance Company wanted to outsource their work. Now they not only produce most of the construction equipment used in the Empire, but also produce most of the melee weapons used by martian mobile suits, experimental Gyrojet weapons, and have even begun to make ships for use by civilians and the military. They are in fierce competition with the Raj Factory, but more often than not come out on top. [/hider] [hider=Raj Factory] [b]Raj Factory:[/b] For a time the Raj Factory was top dog on Mars. They were a large company with numerous factories, shipyards, and products. They imperial contracts were quite lucrative and almost tailored themselves to winning them. Producing and designing most of the early ships in the Imperial navy, the Raj factory became rich and many assumed they would become a monopoly. However when they submitted their mobile worker, the COOL-te, and lost to the smaller Sharp Workshop it came to a shock to those in the company. In a very short time they ended up becoming second banana to the Sharp Workshop, with their COOL-te being seen as the cheaper and inferior product. Even their supremacy in the art of shipbuilding began to come under fire by Sharp. As of late they’ve begun trying to rebrand themselves as a more innovative company, producing VSLs and even plasma weaponry. However their products still carry issues and an underwhelming nature to them that make it difficult to see the Raj Factory as anything but a second rate company. [/hider] [hider=L-Sect] [b]L-Sect:[/b] Not quite a company, but on Luna there is a certain organization simply known as The Luna Sect, popularized as “L-Sect”. They focus on the refinement, development, and creation of cybernetics for use by the people of Luna. All Lunites are fitted with a basic neural uplink when they’re born and often receive more implants as they grow older or receive injuries. All of those implants are made and developed by L-Sect. To the Martians the organization is shrouded in mystery and many stories depict L-Sect as a cybernetic, almost religious cabal performing devious rituals beneath the surface of the moon. To Lunites however L-Sect is simply a very private organization that not only produces and conducts research regarding cybernetics, but looks into the philosophy of it. Due to their age and secret trips to Earth in the past, they are without a doubt one of the most advanced research groups around. Of course very few recognize this fact and since cybernetics are a technology looked down on by the Martians, they don’t care what L-Sect staples to the farmers as long as they get their tea and chocolate. In recent years however the Martians have slighted L-Sect in certain ways, insulting and making things difficult for them. The sudden appearance of Smartgun weapons, MASER weapons and certain, unmarked high-quality mobile suits is completely unrelated to L-Sect and is in no way supportive of subversive activities. [/hider] [hider=Venusian Manufactories] [b]Venusian Manufactories:[/b] Not so much a company as a common movement. On Venus local manufacturing is largely kept in the control of native Martians and the few workshops and factories owned by Venusians are kept under a close eye by the administration. For a time this was effective in keeping the means of production out of the hands of the populace, until the advent of the Element Printer. The Element Printer is essentially a large scale 3D printer capable of assembling materials in layers to creative something. Though there are certain limitations to the process it nevertheless allows for a single machine to produce a wide variety of parts, systems, and components. When they were introduced to Venus factories they were initially under heavy guard and restriction. However Martian manufacturers on Venus became disillusioned by the technology as the Element Printers on Venus always seemed to be breaking down and having to undergo maintenance. In reality the Venusians were stealing Element Printer parts piece by piece and assembling them elsewhere. Now as of the year 499 there are a few illegal, underground “manufactories” on Venus. Though they have to keep their output low to avoid discovery and their work can be of questionable quality, they allow for ‘enterprising’ Venusians a place to go if they want something without the supervision of the imperials. [/hider][h2][color=red][b]Available Technology and Weapons[/b][/color][/h2] [hider=Venusian Aerogel] [b]Venusian Aerogel:[/b] An ultralight material based off gel only with the liquids replaced with gas(es). It is highly porous and is an incredibly strong insulator with very low thermal conductivity. Everything from EVA Suits, pilot suits, hull insulation, and even heat shielding use Venusian Aerogel or “Verogel” for short. Its near feather like weight means a layer of it can be applied beneath anything without consequence. The material is also used to collect micro-space debris and as filters for super fine particles on exo-industrial sites. [/hider] [hider=Plastisteel] [b]Plastisteel:[/b] An advanced compound combining the lightweight and corrosion resistance of plastic with the tensile strength and hardness of steel. It’s used essentially everywhere on Venus from the protective shells of mining equipment, E.v.a suits, the outer hull of the floating colonies, and even as the chassis and armor for construction mobile suits. Its produced in large quantities in the refineries and factories on Venus habitats. [/hider] [hider=Litan] [b]Type-L Titanium:[/b] Known as “Litan”, this configuration of Titanium was first discovered on Luna during the construction of the underground habitats. Litan is stronger than regular titanium and much stronger than steel, while still being relatively light and not that dense. On top of this it has a natural resistance to the effects of corrosion. Since its discovery methods of processing regular titanium into Litan have been conceived and advancements have made working with the materials easier. However its strength is slowly being dwarfed by new nanocarbon materials currently being produced... [/hider] [hider=Nanocarbon] [b]Nanocarbon:[/b] Nanocarbon is the shorthand name given to the carbon nanotube materials produced and used widespread in the Empire. It’s not as lightweight as plasteel and is vulnerable to the effects of corrosive elements, but it's incredibly durable and able to be produced in tremendous quantities from the carbon dioxide on Venus. This made it an ideal building material, but certain quirks of standard Nanocarbon made it difficult to apply for military purposes. Since the development of the mobile suit however certain variants of Nanocarbon have begun to see development, allowing nanocarbon to be employed into armor, melee weapons, and other areas. [/hider] [hider=Wilberforce Reactor] [b]Wilberforce Reactor:[/b] Most power in the day and age of the Revolutionary Calendar is the “Wilberforce Reactor”. These reactors utilize deuterium to generate massive amounts of power through a process similar to fusion. However instead of generating harmful radiation or waste materials, the reactors burn clean and only produce invisible exotic particles. These particles can disrupt long range wireless communications and make conventional sensors like radar virtually useless. At high enough densities these particles can even disrupt or short out unshielded electronics. It is because of these particles that combat cannot be done over long ranges, forcing ships, vehicles, and men to fight in closer proximity and making combat much more personal as a result. Another unusual effect was due to the particles themselves and how they worked in space. The Wilberforce Reactor was in use before the fall of Earth, but its effects were never observed in space until the formation of the Zern Empire. Even then, due to the very nature of the particles, observation and proper understanding of them was difficult as they disrupted the very instruments needed to understand them. A discovery was made however. The presence of Wilberforce Particles was able to reduce the travel times between planetary bodies drastically. [u]Venus to Earth:[/u] 15 Days [u]Earth to Moon:[/u] Less than a day [u]Mars to Earth:[/u] 45 Days No one is sure as to why this is. Some argue the particles effect time or space, but little consensus can be found. [/hider] [hider=Element Printers] [b]Element Printers:[/b] Element printers operate like giant 3D Printers, ‘printing’ materials in layers to construct various objects. The difference is that Element Printers aren’t limited to soft, malleable plastics but any material or just about. Though they can’t produce complex devices and are left producing simple individual parts, Element Printers can be used to make things that would otherwise take dedicated factories or machines to make. They are a relatively new technology having only been developed about 30 years ago. [/hider] [hider=Cybernetics] [b]Cybernetics:[/b]Before the Fall of Earth, extensive research was being put forth regarding prosthesis and cybernetics. This research ended up being used by survivors who were sent to Luna, with neural implants with the means of connecting to machines becoming more or less mandatory. In the 400+ years following the abandonment of Earth research regarding cybernetics has been continued by a secretive group lunites known as L-Sect. Under their efforts cybernetic limbs and organs exist not simply capable of restoring lost bodily functions, but enhancing them. They’ve also developed a variety of implants with both mundane and combat related applications. However cybernetic technology isn’t readily available or understood outside of Luna even in a medical capacity. Despite the potential for the technology cybernetics are looked down on by Martians, seeing those with implants as regressive idiots who have to strip away their own flesh in order to function and perform basic work. The use and weaponization of cybernetics by many early pirates only further soured the Martian's view of the technology. [/hider] [hider=Genetic Manipulation] [b]Gene Therapy/Genetic Manipulation Technology:[/b] One technology developed by Umhlaba during the race to save humanity was the means of modifying and fortifying the human body through genetic manipulation. Gene therapy techniques had already been developed and experimented with up to that point but were never seriously pursued as concerned around them cropped up. When humanity had less then two decades before their planet died however those concerns were thrown out the window. Umhlaba drove the development of Genetic Manipulation as hard as they could, feeling humanity might need to change drastically in order to survive the abandonment of their home. In the end their fears were unfounded and gene therapy proved unnecessary for humanity’s survival. Nevertheless it was used on Mars for well over a hundred years for enhancement purposes. As of 499 R.C gene therapy is a very well understood technology used to treat cancer and hereditary diseases.However the equipment and materials needed for it are considered very specialized and have been made expensive by the companies that produce them. This puts the tech far out of reach of Venusians and Lunites, leaving it only available to Martians. [/hider] [hider=Mobile Workers] [b]Mobile Workers:[/b] Mobile Workers are humanoid, robotic frames designed to be piloted and used in exoatmospheric construction. Thanks to their humanoid shape they could use a special system that allowed them to change their orientation in space freely. This system combined with conventional thrusters and vierners made them very versatile equipment usable in space or under gravity. Umhlaba is believed to have developed them to hurry their preparations to save humanity. Some however argued they were in use long before that point on Earth. [/hider] [hider=Mobile Suits or "MS"] [b]Mobile Suits:[/b] Developed from mobile workers, Mobile Suits are a recent development made only a decade prior in 489 R.C. Since its founding the Zern Empire had to deal with various crises and issues. However its military and fleet were able to handle the problems using the tools they had on had. In 489 however criminal activity became more rampant in the Empire, with disgruntled individuals taking ships and using them to commit piracy against shipping vessels. Though the Zern Empire maintained a large ground force and an even larger fleet, they found themselves struggling against the faster more evasive pirate vessels. Pirates began to use the fleet’s superior numbers against them to slip away and escape from what should have been total victories for the Zern. The pirates even began to weaponize mobile workers to deadly effect and actually achieved several decisive victories against the Zern Fleet. Panic ran through the Empire and it was clear that something needed to be done. Proposals were made ranging from new ships of the line to small fighter craft However traditional space fighters wouldn’t cut it. Though they had speed they were limited to moving in a single direction in space and had limits on the firepower they could carry. It was then that someone proposed the idea of weaponizing Mobile Workers themselves. The pirates had already proven Mobile Workers could assist in boarding actions and do significant damage in close quarters, bashing in hull sections and weapon systems. Though many didn’t like the idea of taking inspiration from the pirates, the line of thought was followed up. A research program was developed and eventually produced a combat capable humanoid mobile weapon dubbed a “Mobile Suit”. The MIMS-01 “Redcoat” was the finished product, mass produced in secret and distributed to ships tasked with dealing with pirates. When the next big pirate spree began, they were in for a surprise as their ships were chased down and assaulted by the men like machines. A heavy blow was hit to the pirates, sinking many vessels and capturing a number of pirates to put to justice. Though the pirates themselves would begin jury rigging their own mobile suits or stealing Redcoats to use themselves, the Zern Empire replaced the Redcoat with the more refined “Tommy” in 494 The Tommy has served diligently for five years, but many believe that it’s time to improve and innovate. As a result a lot of money has been dumped into mobile suit R&D leading to... [/hider] [hider=Mobile Armors or "MA"] [b]Mobile Armor:[/b] Though no mobile armors are produced by the Zern Empire, at least according to unusually emphasized statements saying as much, the premise of a Mobile Armor is relatively straight forward. While Mobile Suits and Mobile Workers are built mimicking the human form, Mobile Armors are not. They use similar technologies and mechanisms but have distinctly non-human designs, often being quite large and mounting incredibly powerful weapon systems. It is rumored that Mobile Armors were developed in secret alongside Mobile Suits in the event they failed to stop the tide of destruction done by the pirates at the time. Though they proved unnecessary the developments made were kept, even though many considered the sheer strength of them was unethical. However those are simply rumors, but many civilians and pirates claim to have seen them at one point or another, lurking in the abyssal darkness of space... [/hider] [hider=The John Carter Project] [b]Gundams:[/b] Mobile suits known as “Gundams” exist in this setting, however they are a recent creation and are not well known if known at all outside of a small handful of individuals. A year prior to the beginning of the roleplay the Zern Empire started the “John Carter Project” an ambitious next generation mobile weapon development program. They hoped by using the fruits of such a program that they would be able to intimidate rebel and criminal elements into submission. The project was given a tremendous amount of funding and brilliants minds were pulled in to work on the project. In order to keep the project secret the units being worked on were called “Gundams” and were given nicknames based off characters from surviving classical literature, with the first batch being named after characters from “Oliver Twist”. Each Gundam had its own focus, intent, and design team creating a tremendous amount of diversity and competition amongst the project staff. After a year of development some of the Gundams were ready while others were still in the works. Eager to flaunt their power an expo was set up and the mobile suits were shipped off in secret... [b][u]The John Carter Project[/u][/b] [list] [*]JCP-000 OLIVER - Experimental Testbed [*]JCP-001 DODGER - High Speed Assault [*]JCP-002 FAYGEN - All-Range Attack Type [*]JCP-003 SYKES - High Performance General Purpose [*]JCP-004 BATES - Energy Weapon Testbed [*]JCP-005 BROWNLOW [*]JCP-006 MAYLIE [*]JCP-007 NANCY [*]JCP-008 MONKS [/list] [/hider] [hider=Weapons Technology] [b]Weapons Technology[/b] Though conventional weapon technology hasn’t changed much since the fall of Earth, many experimental weapon systems have cropped up in recent years. Though powerful, many of these newer types of weapons are forced to use more antiquated actions (revolvers, bolt actions, break actions, pepperbox, etc) as traditional firing mechanisms don’t typically mesh with the specifics of their new design parameters. [h3][u][b]•Powder[/b][/u][/h3] "Powder" weapons is a term used for regular cartridge firearms, missiles, rockets, and other firmly conventional weapon systems. Since the inception of mobile suits full-automatic powder weapons have been available to them. They are safe, easily accessible, and easy to use weapons carried by mobile suits and mounted on ships. They have average damage and remain widely used even with the development of more powerful, advanced weapon systems. Powder weapon technology however, has stagnated and has been stagnant since well before the Fall of Earth with no meaningful innovations being made. It is unlikely any improvements will be made in the future, effectively signaling the reaching of a 'dead end' for Powder weapons. [h3][u][b]•Gyrojets[/b][/u][/h3] Gyrojets were once a failed archaic ammunition concept that was rediscovered and re-examined after the fall of Earth. Instead of conventional propellants used in Powder weapons, Gyrojets are caseless ammunition using solid fuel. This makes each one akin to a miniature rocket, giving them greater maximum range and greater point blank range over powder weapons. The farther away a target is, the more the Gyrojet can accelerate and the harder they ultimately hit, making them ideal long-ranged weapons. However they can't be used in automatic weapon systems, giving them a long rate of fire, and require a certain distance go gain proper killing speeds. Up close they lose almost all of their effectiveness. Sharp Workshops pioneered Gyrojet weaponry and are the primary producer of it. [h3][u][b]•Smartguns[/b][/u][/h3] Advanced weapons with self-correcting projectiles that adjust their flight path to hit their targets. They do this through guidance systems and actuators built into each individual round as well as aim-assist hardware and software within the weapon itself. This makes Smart Guns incredibly accurate and more capable of repeatedly striking otherwise fast and mobile targets. However the electronic filled projectiles do less damage then a traditionally damaging Powder round and their guidance systems eventually burn out in flight due to particle density, giving them a short range. Yet they can be used in fully automatic weapons with ease, giving them a potent 'spray and pray' style that makes them dangerous even in the hands of novices. The Zern Empire currently does not have the means to produce Smartguns. It is rumored only L-Sect knows the secrets to do so... [h3][u][b]•MAG Weapons[/b][/u][/h3] Pioneered by the Zern Empire and the Imperial Ordnance Company during their initial development of mobile suits, MAG weapons use powerful focused magnetic fields to launch solid ammunition at incredibly high speeds. Though their range, power, and penetration can vastly outpace regular powder weapons the strength of each shot is reliant on a charge time. The primary weakness of MAG weapons is how their charge time affect their strength and how they must rely on mobile suits with adequate reactor strength. Waiting for the proper charge times leaves each shot powerful, but cripples the rate of fire with a few seconds at minimum between shots. Firing before minimum charge is built up leaves the rounds weaker then conventional powder rounds. MAG Weapons make up for this a bit with their ability to be charged beyond the minimum charge time. Allowing pilots to ‘cook’ their shots for even stronger, more penetrative attacks. The Imperial Ordnance company primarily produces MAG weapons, but the technology is in use by other producers and even illegal weapon manufacturers. [h3][u][b]•Plasma Weapons[/b][/u][/h3] All but exploding from the pages of science fiction, plasma weapons are the realization of the fantastical concept of a direct energy weapon. They work by generating highly ionized gases, or plasma, within a controlled magnetic field and then launching that plasma at a target. The high temperatures and extreme charge of the plasma allows it to tremendous damage, rapidly disintegrating most conventional materials on contact. A plasma weapon is the answer to most forms of armor, though heat resistant materials like Verogel and such have proven to offer some projection. However for all their flare and power, Plasma weapons suffer from a number of rather crippling weaknesses. Namely their lack of accuracy and their low projectile speed. Most plasma weapons have difficulty generating the plasma and containing it, much less getting it out of the barrel at sufficient speeds. And with no way of focusing the incredibly hot, charged gases or employing any kind of ‘rifling’ plasma weapons are left lobbing blobs of plasma like the world's most advanced slingshot. Attempts to apply plasma tech to a melee weapon system have often ended with enemies and users alike being destroyed. Raj Factory is the prime pioneer of Plasma based weapons and systems. [h3][u][b]•VSLs:[/b][/u][/h3] Also known as "Visible Spectrum Lasers" fire a thin, continuous beam that rapidly heats up materials, effectively cutting through them. Unlike conventional lasers VSLs can be easily seen by the naked eye but are considerably stronger. Much like regular lasers, VSLs are accurate, even over great distances, and are difficult to avoid. They can be used for sweeping attacks, allowing the user to strike multiple targets or focus pin-point attacks. However, VSLs do very little immediate damage and must remain focused on a target to do meaningful harm. VSLs can be enhanced, but must then deal with potential overheating issues. Like regular lasers however they suffer from blooming. Particles, dense gases, or smoke will diffuse the beams and make them useless. The Raj Factory is the prime pioneer of VSL based weapons and systems. [h3][u][b]•MASER Weapons[/b][/u][/h3] MASER or "Microwave Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation” are the middle child of the energy weapons family. Lacking the raw power of plasma weapons or the innate accuracy of VSLs, MASER weapons find their place by simply being average. Their destructive potential is roughly equivalent to powder weapons but their more manageable heat output makes rapid-fire designs more easy to approach. MASER fire energy ‘bolts’, coherent bursts of electromagnetic waves that excite and destabilize the bonds between molecules, causing them to begin to move rapidly and generate heat. They lack penetration and power, but have an excellent rate of fire. Currently the Zern Empire is unable to produce MASER weapons and the secret is rumored to be known only to L-Sect.[/hider]