[hider=OoC] [b]How long do you usually write?[/b] One paragraph or less One to two paragraphs Several paragraphs [b] Do you enjoy writing collaborative posts for things like conversations, combat, etc.? [/b] [b] Is grammar and depth of writing important to you? [/b] [b] Are there any writing subjects you particularly enjoy exploring? [/b] [b] Is there anything you [i]really[/i] dislike and want to avoid like the plague? [/b] [b] Is there something you are uncomfortable with happening to your character? [/b] [b] Do you have any short-term or long-term goals with this character? [/b] [/hider] [hider=Imperial personnel files] [b] Name: Caxal Konahrik[/b] [b] Species: Sith Pureblood[/b] [b] Pureblood percentage: 100%[/b] [b] Homeworld: Korriban[/b] [b] Age: 42[/b] [b] Gender: Male[/b] [b] Rank: Apprentice (Warrior)[/b] [b] Master: Darth Theya Katherion[/b] [b] Former master(s): [/b] [b] Apprentice(s): Pilum Jurgon, Vex Dedalus, Morrigan Organa[/b] [b] Sphere of influence: Military Strategy[/b] [/hider] [hider=Imperial Intelligence Reports] [h3][sub]Detailed appearance. Imagery insufficient.[/sub][/h3] [hider=Caxal in Armor][img]https://i.imgur.com/rfnmViV.jpg[/img] [/hider] [hider=Caxal unarmored in the city][img]https://i.imgur.com/Uj9ke0z.jpg[/img] [/hider] The first thing one notes about Calax, is the intense aura of intimidation. He’s a towering figure, standing well over two meters in height, combined with the dark armor and tattered cloak. Outside of combat he wears a half mask, as the bottom half of his face was mutilated during his time as an Acolyte. Various scars can be seen when he is at rest, covering nearly every inch of his body. His eyes are a deep red, nearly the color of blood. His battle armor is a dark grey metal, tied with a belt at his waist. His boots are tipped with spikes, and he keeps his armor generally clean, albeit a few permanent scuffs and scratches. When in battle, he wields two lightsabers, as well as occasionally throwing out a pair of black chakrams that he can throw out if needed. Hidden inside his cloak is a small dagger, should he ever find himself without a weapon. His second and tertiary weapons are alchemically enhanced, and able to block lightsabers and blasters. [h3][sub]Report on natural ability with the Force, as well as all known Force Techniques and the skill level.[/sub][/h3] Telekinesis(Push, Jump, Pull, Choke and Throw included): Advanced Training Telekinetic Defense: Trained Talent Crucitorn: Intermediate Training Force Drain/’Force Rage: Known, Untrained Talent Battle Meditation: Trained Talent Precognition: Intermediate Training Force Stasis/Stun/Deflection: Intermediate Training [i]Apprentice Caxal is well known by the General and his men for his use of the force. Whether he’s shoving enemy Jedi around with his Throw, or using his telekinesis to manipulate the environment, he is very well adept in his training. -Commander Jakob on Caxal’s dossier[/i] [i]It has come to my attention that Caxal subconsciously uses Force Drain.. At the Sacking, he Pulled a jedi to himself, after taking off his arms. Before killing him he Drained the Jedi as he died. He seemed unsure of this power, and it is observed that he has not trained it further as of late. It is one of the few things he has asked me to not push him into. For now, I will accept his decision as he proves useful without it. -Darth Katherion’s personal note[/i] [h3][sub]Report on skills not directly rooted in the Force, including level of skill[/sub][/h3] Combat Tactics: Well Trained Talent Caxal’s main focus is combat. He holds it above all his other skills, spending days at a time honing his skills and gaining experience.. Politicking: Intermediate training Caxal is quite able to maneuver his way through politics. He has a bit of an advantage as a Pureblooded Sith, keeping most from testing him. He has very little patience for it, however, and only participates when necessary. Piloting: Intermediate Training From speeders to small craft, Caxal has moderate experience as it is sometimes necessary to getting to missions [h3][sub]Report on known combat experience, training and lightsaber training.[/sub][/h3] As a Titled Warrior, Caxal is very proficient in combat. He has been focusing his efforts on developing his own style of a combination of Form VI combining the manipulation of the environment of Sokan with his chakrams and Telekinesis. Forms I-V: Intermediate Training Form III: Well-Trained Talent Form VI: Advanced Training Form VII: Intermediate Training(Has begun to learn this form more as he develops his skills) Exotic Skills: Cho Sei/Cho Mok/Mou Kei: Advanced Training Caxal prefers these forms as a core part of his fighting style. When facing an actual threat he fully utilizes this form with Form III using his chakrams to attack as he defends with his sabers. Dun Moch: Caxal is arrogant in battle with those he sees as weaker, jeering them as he methodically takes them down. When training his own apprentices he’s more studious, correcting them as he uses a special set of weapons as to “give them a chance”. Sokan: Well-Trained Talent. Caxal is intently trained in this method, as it is imperative to his personal style. [h3][sub]Detailed notes on political influence and associates. [/sub][/h3] Underlings: Commander Adran Ikorus- Usually brings him along his missions. Both men have mutual respect for each other, though Caxal has him on loan from Admiral Kartoss. Both see the pairing as beneficial, Caxal as a method of transporting himself and his Apprentices and Adran as it gave him his promotion, though he was a little miffed at first since he’s at Caxal’s beck and call. Urgon Knox: Is employed to handle the affairs of Caxal’s estate. Apprentices: Pilum Rok: Pureblood Sith, Sphere of Law and Justice. Highly motivated in Politics and the study of People in general. A watchful eye and generally independent of his Master. His first Apprentice. Often found learning on his own in the courts and stateroom. Would very much like to ascend to Lordship, and knows that being under a man who has stood out as much as Caxal has is a good method. Extremely loyal to him and Darth Katherion both. He keeps an eye out for anyone trying to one-up his masters. Morrigan Ividia: Human[sup]11% Sith[/sup], Sphere of Ancient Knowledge. Morrigan is heavily invested in the arcane, swiftly learning the arts of Sith Sorcery and Alchemy. Morrigan is intent on becoming a Sith Lord. Has a good relationship with Darth Katherion, being allowed access to training from a Scientist three months of the year. Often found on Archeological digs, looking to discover something new for her Master, and by default, Darth Katherion. Vex Daedalus: Human. Sphere of Mysteries. When not training alongside her master, Vex is seen learning the art of stealth and infiltration. She travels almost everywhere with Caxal, intent to learn all she can from the Warrior. She holds him almost higher in regard to his own master, Darth Katherion, as she fears her more than respects her. The woman deeply terrifies her. Often covered in bruises from sparring Caxal, though wears them with Pride as she can see herself getting a lot stronger for it. [h3][sub]Detailed notes on known rivals and enemies, outside and within the Empire.[/sub][/h3] Rival: Kurin Tonaal Fellow apprentice under Darth Katherion. Both seem to look for the oppurtunity to one-up the other. Usually ends with a duel. [h3][sub]List and description of other known associates, including underlings.[/sub][/h3] Admiral Kartoss: Studied Tactics under him and has done several missions incurring high Favor General Arkon: Moderately High Favor: gifted Caxal with his current housing and slaves. [h3][sub]List of known all ownerships, including vessels, non-standard equipment, slaves and locations.[/sub][/h3] A large apartment on Balmorra near one of the seas. Has three slaves that keep the place running while he’s away, all male. A Bloodmark ship painted black with red streak, generally transported in Commander Ikorus’ ship, the Horizon’s Maw, a Fury Interceptor. Caxal’s ship is lovingly called the Bloodhound. Slaves: Azra(Human), Rivan(Zabrak), Alession(Human) [h3][sub]Psychological evaluation of candidate.[/sub][/h3] Caxal is driven by his honor, ambition and bloodlust. He is at home on the battlefield, having unlocked Battle Meditation quite early, and he rarely loses himself to the pure blood rage that most Warriors have. He is calculated and almost always several steps ahead of his opponent. He refuses to engage anyone he deems not a threat, merely tossing them aside and moving forward. He is determined to be the strongest warrior in the galaxy, and that dying in battle is the greatest of honors. He is very jovial and sometimes comes off as stupid, though this hides the fact that he has already most likely won the fight he is in. He encourages his fellow Apprentices to take him on, at one point giving critiques [i]during[/i] the fight. After a sparring match he will often treat his opponent to drinks. When it comes to Politics, Caxal is adamantly against participating. The Subject has stated that any Political argument is just a fight with words. He doesn’t care for words so much as actions, and prefers his fights with weapons to be of higher import. [h3][sub]List and description of known and suspected flaws. To be put into restricted database.[/sub][/h3] Pride, Greed, Arrogance. Terrible at subtlety outside of combat, has no mercy for those who defy him. During the sacking he actually secretly saved many innocent lives using his chakrams to stop blaster bolts from hitting kids. While there is death there is absolutely no reason to ever harm a child. He holds great disdain for the academy but knows without it he'd never had gotten his drive. He has patience for the subtle game of Politics, even though he has skill in it. [h3][sub]known interests of the candidate.[/sub][/h3] Agent has expressed interest and proclivity for personal training. An agent has seen him going visiting the club [i]Exotic Encounters[/i] on Balmoora when on leave. Caxal has admitted that he is interested in the fight pits hosted by the Hutts [h3][sub]Major achievements on record.[/sub][/h3] Achieved the title of Warrior Partook in the Sacking of Coruscant Has killed many jedi over his career [h3][sub]Major failures on record. Confidential.[/sub][/h3] As an Acolyte he was sent on a mission to find and kill Jedi. He ended up ambushed and they nearly killed him. He barely won the fight but his overseer counted it as a massive failure. During a Raid on a Jedi Temple he failed to kill the children inside, instead sent them to an Academy for reeducation. [hider=Interview] [h3][sub]Personal biography, as detailed by the candidate for use in imperial archives. Acquired shortly after last achievement of note.[/sub][/h3] The Subject, named Caxal Kohnarik, was born sometime in mid Summer. He was taken in at three years of age when he showed signs of being force sensitive. He showed himself to be a fierce fighter, and a terrifying force when angered. During the Sacking, he took on a full squad of soldiers alone, and when he came out, covered head to toe in blood, he was grinning. Forgive me for saying this, but he had this look of sheer satisfaction, and hunger. He stated that he’d never felt more alive. He proceeded to head off the main forces while others destroyed the Temple, he was sent over to assist in the attack on the Senate. I… I have a hard time describing the events that happened next. They say that some sort of force came over him. He overcame a group of jedi using the full force of his abilities. Then… He seemed to pull something from the last one. He seemed to be a bit shaken by it but moved on, carving a path of blood through the republic forces. I had heard tales of his combat prowess but to see it in action, he is truly a Warrior. -------- You don’t really “learn” in the Academy. At least not when you’ve become an acolyte. Hell, my Overseer hated me. He would give me the worst missions possible, telling me that he hoped I’d die. I came close once. I was about to become an Apprentice and well, his final “Test” was to hunt an actual Jedi Padawan. Of course he wasn’t alone. I managed to kill the Padawan but I couldn’t bring back the saber like the Overseer wanted, so he marked it as a failure. I met my Master that day. She’d spotted something in me she said and wanted me. I quickly became her favorite fighter. There was no challenge too great for me. Then I met Kurin. A right bastard, that one. I trounced him in sparring, of course. I had developed my abilities since I was being trained by several Warriors. Master Katherion wanted me to be the strongest fighter. So I did that. Holocrons of a multitude of techniques were made available as she was more impressed with my skills. When she sent me on missions I came back with high marks, garnering Favor from the military sector. I did enough that she sent me in her stead at the sacking of Coruscant. Oh what a fun time that was… I’ll admit I didn’t really kill any civilians, only the troopers and a commander. It was a fantastic fight. Master was highly pleased at Admiral Kartoss’ report. So much so that she told me she would give me more freedom to do what I want. I spent a full month at my estate. I’ll leave what I did with my slaves to your imagination. Currently I’ve been taking a more passive role, dealing with any spies we come across, guarinding some digs for the Archeology sector. It’s not great, I’d rather be out fighting, but I’ve been promised a good fight recently… It seems that Master has found me a new mission. And [i]boy[/i] does it look like fun. -------------- [i]I found Pilum while he was out on a mission to one of the digs to over see them. His mind is sharp and I was interested in finding an apprentice to cover my disdain for Politics. He has proven quite useful, able to be trusted with many freedoms. He arranged my affairs at home when he found Urgon. He and Adran do not usually see eye-to-eye on most affairs, as Adran is rather blunt. Morrigan is an interesting apprentice. She and my master get along decently well, and I secured her a chance to train with a Scientist three months of the year in exchange for helping retrieve a rare artifact from a dig. Nearly lost one of my eyes there as tensions between Jedi and Sith blew up when one of the Jedi Shadows was found snooping in our camp and was killed. I managed to escort the artifact, an old holocron, out to safety. I would have very much liked to stay there but Morrigan isn’t as combat inclined as I am. And I had my mission. Vex is the last of my Apprentices. Though she is soft spoken, she is determined to follow in my footsteps, though in more covert means. She would make an excellent Assassin. It is becoming increasingly clear that she is rather terrified of my Master, which I very much understand. She was with me when one of my fellow apprentices had failed so spectacularly that Master had me kill him. I would have preferred to let him fight me before I killed him but one does as Darth Katherion orders.[/i] After gaining his Apprenticeship under Darth Katherion he was sent out raid a Jedi Temple. Upon finding children there he’d killed every teacher he saw, keeping the kids hidden and shipping them off planet. The slight was let go when he had them taken to one of the Academies. His recorded punishment was 50 lashes administered by one of Darth Katherion's Sith Lords. Upon later hearing that many of the children he'd saved did not make it, he looked into the Academy and found the Overseer abusing many of the students with impossible tasks. With his Master's permission he started an audit that turned into a deathmatch with the Overseer running the Academy, however he was not as combat oriented as Apprentice Caxal and was dispatched. Inquisitors sent to the Academy noted that every limb had been cut off and cauterized before Caxal beheaded the man. When [/hider] [/hider]