The acolyte seemed surprised. "A dragon? A dragon hasn't been spotted in at least sixty years, not since Duke Erod himself slew the beast. He too slew a black dragon, but..." The acolyte looked around and managed to find at least two books relevant to what you were looking for. Both were about the duke based off the titles on their ridges. "I'm afraid that information about dragons themselves can only be found at larger churches, and I know for certain that only members of the clergy are allowed to research such beasts. Here we only have these two biographies about the duke, one penned by the lord himself, and another written more about his reign than the man. I'm sure the might have some insight about this dragon at least." The acolyte tried to think of what else could work and had an idea. "Well... Suppose if you too became an ordained member of the church, you may be allowed to read their tomes at the city. Tis no easy task of course, but you seem a capable sort."