[hr][hr][h1][b][i][center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/190202/a7dc8d6c55746f87ec44852f97c97ef0.png[/img][/center][/i][/b][/h1] [center][img]https://i.ibb.co/9NqQ6hf/feelin-cute.jpg[/img] [color=#BA68A6][b]Location:[/b] Casino[/color][/center][hr][hr] Bobbi breathed a sigh of relief when Casper started to calm. She smiled up at him and gave him a slight punch to the arm which may have been a bit stronger than intended. [color=BA68A6]"Don't be throwin' us for such a loop cher,"[/color] she said kindly and then picked up her hammer. Her attention was drawn to Gambit as he placed the cuffs on Chrysi. So he had changed his mind it seemed. She was glad that she hadn't been all that involved lest their leader have some anger toward her. She hefted the hammer over her shoulder and glowered at Gambit when he threw the card at Jack. [color=BA68A6]"Complètement injustifié!"[/color] she called out to him. [color=BA68A6]"You alright?"[/color] she asked Jack, hoping the explosion was minor. Kidnap victim? What the hell was going on? Wait, did he mean the child? Was Casper still high?