[@RedVII] I thank you as well Red. Playing Vitius in this roleplay was one of the funnest things I've done so far, despite some writers block here and there on my part, and honestly I think I can say that I have made some friends from this role-play. Even with my prickly outer shell. Also glad to see that the server for it won't be going down anytime soon as I still pop in from time to time. While it is a shame to have to put Vitius on ice for now, I'm glad to know that they'll potentially be another adventure in the same setting, in which he can be used in the future. [hider][sub][I]An adventure in a more "civilized" age perhaps?[/I][/sub][img]https://media.giphy.com/media/EL7QZ6Mj7baSc/giphy.gif[/img][/hider] Other than that I have only one request... Stay magnificent ya bastard. [img]https://media.tenor.com/images/26ae89f044668ffe03efc9d9f63e7a6b/tenor.gif[/img]