Approximate timeline of Halloween Town 1900: Jack dies and is raised as the new Pumpkin King; Shadow King is forcibly reincarnated as Oogie. 1920: Trickster Trio are spirited away by Primus and "adopted" as Boogie's Boys (ages 6,7,5) 1993: Jack's Christmas disaster. Oogie's body is destroyed, leaving nothing to suppress the Shadow King's sense of self. 2000: Primus decides to start new cycle and begins slowly switching out denizens of the holiday towns. Trio starts growing up. Carver is made. Shadow King begins rebuilding his power while Primus is distracted. 2010: Trio @ ages 8,9,7. "Sandy Claws" is reincarnated as North. 2020: Trio @ ages 11, 12, 10. Undersea Gal leaves. 2030: Carmilla and Lillith arrive. Trio @ ages 14, 15, 13. 2040: Agatha arrives. Trio @ ages 16, 17, 15. 2043: Trio approaching 17, 18, 16. Plot begins. Cyclops will disappear.