Carver lifted one side of her brow ridge. "You're not usually one to make off-handed displays of your magic, so I'm guessing you're planning on using that in a surreptitious manner during said prank? How do you plan on tricking the whole town into thinking they've missed -- Ooooh! You're planning to mix it in with the spooky fog on Halloween, so nobody remembers the event?" She widened her mouth as far as it could go, twisting the ends almost two times over to make it fit. "I'm so in!" --- 'We'? 'Him'? "Well... I meant to do it myself..." she said slowly, wondering if perhaps she'd said something wrong. Maybe he was trying to let her down easy? But he seemed so excited... Was he trying to suggest a threesome? No wait, he didn't seem like that type. Barrel leaned up against the wall, the picture of a high school boy trying to be casual while flirting with a girl. He was definitely interested. So probably just teasing her then, or playing hard to get. She just had to double-down. "Well, I was thinking of a particular customer who, despite having a rather poor reputation, has... found himself with certain privileges that his siblings don't have."