Shock nodded. She didn't need one herself; she doubted the graveyard garden would have too many, and if there was more than expected, well...she and her brothers hid a few things around town [i]just[/i] for such occasions. It always helped to have a trick-or-treat sack at the ready. "Good thinking," she said. ~~~ The door opened a moment later. Jack Skellington, being the tallest person in town, habitually looked down to see who had graced his doorstep. "Carver!" he said cheerfully. "What an unpleasant surprise!" He made a welcoming gesture for her to step inside. "What brings you here?" ~~~ she [i]didn't[/i] want to cause trouble? [i]Damn[/i]. "'re welcome? I think." Barrel watched her leave. And admittedly, was relieved. Now to plant something [i]really[/i] nasty, then head back to the counter to purchase some ingredients...