[hr] [center][h2][b]Fuyuki City - 1994[/b][/h2] [@Pyromania99][@Breo][@ManyThings][@Parallel Hearts][/center] The Caster of the group was correct in that many of their allies laid north of their position, thus they ventured north with Lancer acting as an advance scout. He quickly outpaced them, looking around to figure out just what had caused this devastation throughout the city, yet he wouldn't find much aside in the park. A few rumpled up picnic blankets, an overturned chair or two, the park was entirely empty as far as he could tell. No more skeletons as far as Lancer could tell, just a whole lot of nothing. Things would pass like this for a few minutes, right up until Lancer approached the border of Miyama Town and saw a lone figure wandering down the street. Her blonde hair was wild, the pony tail it had been tied into reaching just above her shoulders and swaying in the cool night's breeze. Her clothes were... well, they were certainly sparse to say the least, their vibrant crimson hues catching the eye. The most important feature about her however, ws that sword. That sword that she carried, almost as big as her, it was the weapon of a knight. [url=https://i.imgur.com/MBbCu7p.jpg]This Servant was almost certainly a knight.[/url] But the way she carried herself was off in many ways. Her sword dragged behind her, loose in her grip as it cut through the pavement like a hot knife through butter. She was shambling about with a glossy look in her eye, not heading in any particular direction as she looked around with confusion. The street itself was unusual as well, covered in flyers with writing on them that Lancer couldn't quite make out from this distance. Further observation of the Servant revealed she really wasn't going anywhere either, she was actually just wandering around in circles. During one of these circles she walked directly into a wall of what appeared to be an apartment building, slamming her face directly into the wall and stopping dead in her tracks. A quiet moan escaped her lips as she stumbled back slightly, cocking her head in confusion as she looked around again. Once more she walked directly into the wall. This time she did not stop. The wall completely crumbled as the Servant continued into the building, simply walking through the solid brick as though it were nothing more than paper mache. She was certainly strong to say the least. The rest of the group would show up shortly, but it was really up to Lancer if he wanted to wait around for them or instead pursue this new factor. [hr] [center][h2][b]Fuyuki City - 1994[/b][/h2] [@Grey][@GreenGoat][@ItMeGritty][@King Cosmos][/center] The young man barely even noticed the sudden shadow cast upon him, so focused was he on the imminent death approaching. but he certainly did notice, his eyes widening as he looked upon Archer and his Pegasus. The same could not be said for the soldiers, their backs to the danger as they focused on their prey. A single arrow landed in front of the lead, he stopped in confusion and stared at the offending object. It marked a line, a line that was not meant to be crossed. He had not even the chance to turn around to see what his opponent before he was immediately skewered by three different arrows, his companions meeting similar fates as Archer rained hell upon these mooks. But they did not bleed blood, as they collapsed to the ground they began to ooze the same foul mud that another group had run into in another location. The boy quickly scurried past the bodies, careful to not step in any of that foul mud, his face pale as he covered his mouth with one hand and held his stomach with the other. He was scarcely past the fallen soldiers when he collapsed to his knees, both hands supporting his weight as he emptied the contents of his stomach onto the concrete. He trembled as he attempted to process what had just happened, not even a second away from death when he was saved by what could only be a Servant. He struggled to get back to his feet, struggled to lift his head to look up at Archer, but he looked up all the same. "Who are you..." His voice was practically a whisper, but it carried through the quiet night as if he was screaming at the top of his lungs.