[indent] [/indent][h3][hr][color=SandyBrown]Pebble Meyers[/color][/h3][hr][sup][@Alamantus][@Vertigo][/sup][indent] [/indent] [color=SandyBrown]“Definitely some sort of drain or vent. We don't really have a hook, yeah, there’s the drain.”[/color] Pebs glanced towards the drain, then the paper, then towards the doorknob. [color=SandyBrown]“Well, I hope the key isn’t for this door because that’d be kinda useless.”[/color] Seeing as Duncan had reached a hand through the hole he’d made without much trouble, Pebs figured he had the door handled, and that whatever bad might happen would have already happened. Therefore, she was free to go about checking on the drain in the room, but with what light? [color=SandyBrown]“Oh!”[/color] Pebs snapped her fingers, fishing her phone out of her pocket. While it was a rather rudimentary smartphone, it was still a smartphone with a camera, and a smartphone with a camera meant a built-in light source. After a brief moment to check her signal, hoping but not quite believing that she’d have any, she showed Duncan the phone and shook her head. [color=SandyBrown]“No signal. Classic.”[/color] She sighed. [color=SandyBrown]“I’ll go check out the drain with this. You good with the door, right? Lemme know if you need any of the other stuff I found from the cabinets. There were also a pair of pliers, if you need more tools.”[/color] After making sure Duncan agreed that he could handle the door, Pebs walked over to the drain, kneeling down on the floor and turning the flash on her phone into the drain. Then, after taking a breath to steady her nerves, she lined her eye up with a hole and peered in, hoping to see a key and nothing more.