[@Ammokkx] Hmmm... Ok, new plan. Well, new[i]ish[/i] plan. Basically, Diz is still a scarf, but he doesn't have humanoid forms. Instead though, he turns into basically any kind of weapon. He can float around independently of his wielder like one of those dancing blades from fantasy and junk, but when he's being held by his contractor, his fibres, which are some kind of crazy eldritch super hard thread instead of normal fabric, can burrow through the contractors hand and spread through the body, drastically increasing their physical abilities while they're connected. If the threads burrow through enough, or simply wrap around the outside, it can cover the wielders body to become kind of like a uniform, so I can still keep the magical girl style transformations. Also, he can produce red and black energy beams, for the magical girl style attacks. I wanna make Ren a magical boy. Maybe I'll have him learn how to make more complicated energy-based attacks, or maybe even fibre-based attacks. I'll admit I don't really know what I should be doing, because I'm usually told I make my characters too [i]over[/i]powered rather than underpowered.