[quote=@Rabidporcupine] Hmmm... Ok, new plan. Well, newish plan. Basically, Diz is still a scarf, but he doesn't have humanoid forms. Instead though, he turns into basically any kind of weapon. He can float around independently of his wielder like one of those dancing blades from fantasy and junk, but when he's being held by his contractor, his fibres, which are some kind of crazy eldritch super hard thread instead of normal fabric, can burrow through the contractors hand and spread through the body, drastically increasing their physical abilities while they're connected. If the threads burrow through enough, or simply wrap around the outside, it can cover the wielders body to become kind of like a uniform, so I can still keep the magical girl style transformations. Also, he can produce red and black energy beams, for the magical girl style attacks. I wanna make Ren a magical boy. Maybe I'll have him learn how to make more complicated energy-based attacks, or maybe even fibre-based attacks. I'll admit I don't really know what I should be doing, because I'm usually told I make my characters too overpowered rather than underpowered. [/quote] I've thought about this a fair bit over the few hours it took me, and I've gotta say, I'm not terribly fond of the idea for a multitude of reasons. My first issue was the autonomy of the construct. I very much want these to not only be their own character, but also fully self-sufficient. In that sense, having your entire set of power reliant on another person and/or construct being there to operate you struck a bit of a wrong chord with me. I've talked to some others about it and the sentiment is generally mixed; some agreed with my take while others were like "Eh, it's fine isn't it?" so it's not the single most solid reason, but still something to keep in mind. Again, sorry to keep drawing parallels here, but Viscera just illustrates the issue so well. While, yes, Viscera *can* be a part of the contractor and make up for any deficiencies they may lack, it's also still able to become a hulking golem on its own and do everything it wants to do. It doesn't need a contractor to be efficient in any capacity, just like the other constructs, but unlike Diz. Another issue is the core idea you're going with being seemingly at war with the character you propose to do this with. I'm not against having someone take up direct arms and face constructs one-to-one, but you have to understand this is a very unique position. You're deliberately putting yourself in more harm's way than anyone else in order to do, effectively, the same job. You'd think it'd require someone booming with confidence, or at least a severe lust for battle, to do something like this... but that's not the character you're presenting. You're presenting a boy who, for all intents and purposes, would rather do everything but. He's spent his life running from bullies; what excuse does he have going up against super-powered monsters? He doesn't even have the drive to fight, just some remote obligation. He'd crumble under any amount of pressure. As anime as this is, I don't see a justified reason as to why this wreck would deliberately put *himself* between rogue constructs and Japan. Emi, Ayesha, Yuuto and Hugo can all more-or-less stand behind their combat unit- Renzo cannot. And I find that hard to believe.