Sally quickly got the basket and gave Carver a gentle farewell, and a request to come visit again in the future. The rest of the night went by as well as it often did in Halloween Town, with ghosts and ghouls going about their usual business before the sun rose. Shock got a decent haul of forget-me-lots from the graveyard, but knew she'd be making some trips out into the Hinterlands for the next few days to ensure a good stock while the graveyard plot replenished. She also took over Oogie's old bedroom to hang the forget-me-lots she and Carver collected to safely dry. Barrel re-stocked the cupboards and checked one of the old cookbooks for a stuffed toadstool recipe to try for dinner tomorrow. Both of them set aside time to practice their individual parts of the band before settling down to sleep. Carver was welcome to join in. The pumpkin sun rose, and Halloween Town's many creatures of the night settled in for a good day's sleep. A few hobbled about in the day, such as the Behemoth tending to parts of the pumpkin patch where it was easier to differentiate colors and textures. A few others tended to nooks and crannies that were otherwise hidden in the night's shadows. When it went down, many creatures arose. Far off in the cemetery, deep in the crypt, Lock stirred, still curled on top of Lillith. The enclosed space of their shared coffin gave him just enough room to glance up at her face. He always enjoyed how peaceful she looked in those last moments. Lock nuzzled against her chest, and carefully unwrapped his tail from around her waist. She wouldn't be sleeping peacefully for much longer. He reached up to graze his sharp teeth over her neck, then gently bit at her flesh. "Good evening, my bloodsucker," he said before he gently bit her again. He ran his tail over her hip, then down her leg. "Pretty sure the sun's gone down."