[@Duthguy] So IC this are her responses: [quote=Seraph] [b]"No and yes. Hidden power doesn't really help you learn moves that you normally aren't capable of. Even though my hidden power is a water element, that doesn't mean I'll be able to shoot water from my hands or something like that. That being said, the very basics of how Hidden Power helps with your general elemental powers. You see, every pokemon is, in some way or form, capable of a sort of quasi psychic power. Now most tend to rely on their bodies natural attributes, for example that charmander over there wouldn't need any of this training if all he wants to do is breath fire from his body. But if he wants to say, fire a solar beam, he would need to understand these basics you're learning right now, to clear his mind and envision the elemental power he's trying to call forth. You can't build a house without first starting with foundation after all."[/b] [/quote] [quote=Seraph] [b]"Well first you need to focus on the target, guide it with your eyes. It's harder than it sounds; just one errant glance will cause your orb to go off course. Honestly, using your hands to guide your attacks is a bit of a crutch, since anything that blocks your hands would also block your attack. If you just use your eyes though, as long as you can keep track of your target it should work out. Also pratice."[/b] [/quote]