"If you two go on ahead, do what you can quietly, I'll move around outside the walls, get eyes on any guards. They spot you while you thin their numbers, and they'll go down before they can wake their kin," the cart driver suggested. He had a homemade bow, but the arrows in his bag were tipped with barbs - enough to push through light plate. If he hit any of those wandering guards, they were likely doomed, even if the shot wasn't a kill. Aria gave a nod, and pulled the orcish dagger from her boot, and left her sheathed katana with the man. The glint of the runes couldn't give her away. "We'll find a dimly lit part of the wall. One of us boosts the other, that one pulls the other up. I want everyone on the outside dead. And after that, we go inside to deal with the rest. I eh," Aria cleared her throat, whispering, "I'm not the best with strategy. I feel like making this up as we go along~..."