Vergu stood in chains isolated away from the podium at a slave auction after not a month ago living in the Strint estate. He weighed in his head if this was worse than being back at home with his father. He shuddered for a moment and assured himself that [i]anything[/i] is better than being back with that snake of a man, even death. The din of the auctioneers and the bidders was flaring his temper but he had to keep himself together for he had already witnessed what had happened to those who resisted or even fled. Memories flood back of a young human man who managed to slip loose from his cuffs right next to him. The words Vergu had heard from him were [color=magenta]"Syanna, I'm coming!"[/color] His body is still on the floor where he was cut down, eyes still open and frozen in fear. Blood still oozed from the wounds on his body. Nobody bothered to move his body so they could use it as a warning to other potential escapees. Snapping him from his memories, he hears a familiar voice in the crowd. [color=indianred]"I will offer no more than 63 gold for her."[/color] Before the end of the sentence, he knew. He knew that voice. [i][color=palegoldenrod]Elias Strint, here of all places.[/color][/i] He was buying an elven woman, no doubt as a concubine.[i][color=palegoldenrod]That cur is lucky I am in chains and surrounded by guards.[/color][/i] As soon as the thought passed his mind, he locked eyes with him. Both shared not a word for an arduous and long silence. [color=indianred]"You should be dead. It was [b]my decree[/b] that you were to die."[/color] [color=palegoldenrod]"Then you should have done it yourself if you wished for no failure, Elias. Your soldiers did me a service, freeing me from you. Anything is better than you."[/color] [color=indianred]"You are to call me [b]father[/b] or [b]my lord[/b] and nothing else!"[/color] He breathed for a moment barely containing his rage. [color=indianred]"I will follow your advice then. I will buy you, and then kill you myself, freak."[/color] He spit in Vergu's face as he finished the sentence and walked away. The words worried Vergu, he had finally escaped Elias and was now going to be incarcerated again by him. He had only to hope that someone would bid higher than a duke. Slim a chance it may be, he still had a chance. Vergu saw that halfling be thrown up on the podium, he had attempted to free people a few times, he obviously failed. Vergu's blood ran cold when he saw that nobody was offering up prices for him. [i][color=palegoldenrod]He does not deserve death! Animals![/color][/i], Vergu thought to himself.