Well, it was certainly a meatgrinder. Staying at the back of the troop of knights, Elodie watched as bandits, given false hope when faced against a singular Iron Rose Knight, took the bait, rushed at Aria, and were summarily cut down by the others. Who would want to be a bandit in a scenario like this? No one, that's who. Though they were all fated to be executed for their crimes, some still sought the gentle release of the noose over the savagery of steel, a couple of the bandits throwing down their arms and pleading mercy. Others scrambled over their own barricades, seeking escape but not realizing that they'd never outrun a zealot on a horse. Tragic, honestly. Elodie'd pray for them, but moronic lawbreakers were rarely worth the breath. May the Gods smile upon them in the next life, and grant them the ability to stick to a less self-destructive path. As it stood though, she had no reason for getting involved. No priority targets, nor any intrusive obstacles to deal with. Her weapon could swap over to a halberd, but it wasn't as if she'd be contributing anything significant to this sausage fest of stabby and slashy folk. So Elodie stayed in the back and watched them all go at it. Nice and relaxing. She stepped out of the way of someone's dismembered arm, observed the flow of combat, and waited for something extraordinary to happen. [@OwO][@Crimson Paladin]