[center][color=6ecff6][u][b][h1]Azul Larkspur[/h1][/b][/u][/color][/center] Many years ago, when she was a little girl, Azul's father fed her stories of how scary life could be as a huntress. Tales of the tearing talons of Grimm and the roughhousing rogues that stalked the streets at night. All things that could kill those that sought to uphold the peace. She knew now he was trying to scare her on purpose. He was so desperately worried he would lose his children the way he lost his wife. But Azul had still wanted to be a huntress. She wanted to be a hero like her mother was. As a girl, she was genuinely scared of the stories her father told her. She was no longer scared. She was terrified. But not of Grimm, criminals, or anything that lurked in the dark, but of all the people around her. All the people smothering her on this teeny tiny ship. Granted, nobody was even standing that close to her, but it [i]felt[/i] like they were smothering her. She could feel their judgemental gaze upon her. Their eyes saying "Who's this trembling girl?" or "What a feathered freak". It was all she could do to stand in the corner and force a wavering smile on her face, hoping nobody would look past her seemingly happy face. All she wanted was to get off the ship and get to work. Putting a dust round in the skull of a Grimm at 100 paces seemed so much easier than having to smile and wave at all these scary strangers. It was a great mercy to Azul to finally hear the words "Welcome to Shade Academy". Sweet freedom. Sweet release.