[right][h3][color=f26522][i][b]Alexander Furst[/b][/i][/color][/h3][/right][hr][color=gray][b]Confidants:: Amari, Ava ([@addamas]), Hat This Kid, Igor ([@FalloutJack])[/b] [b]Whereabouts::[/b] Dorms => Velvet Room[/color] [hr] [i]Yawn.[/i] Alex raised a hand to his mouth while stretching an arm upwards, averting his eyes from the boiling pot of oil frying a batch of two fish. Composing himself, he cracked his neck before looking over to the side at the other three plates on the counter. Two of the plates had two pieces of fish as well as some chips on them while the other only appeared to have chips. At least for the time being. A small buzz emanated from his phone at least half a meter away before he pulled out the fish and set them on the plate, completing the dinner trifecta, per usual. Stifling a yawn, Alex quickly arranged two of the plates on the counters by the stools whilst leaving the second by its lonesome as he carefully deposited the cooking utensils in the sink and began washing. While he was doing so, he honestly felt like passing out, forcing himself to stay awake either through shaking his head to the point that it looked like he was headbanging or sheer willpower alone. [color=f26522][i]"Why the hell am I so sleepy,"[/i][/color] was a question he was constantly asking himself ever since he got home. His eyes jutted over to the hallway as well for a second as he began drying off the bowl, [color=f26522][i]"Then again, she was pretty tired herself when she came back as well... I really hope she didn't climb that tree, she could of..."[/i][/color] Going off into a tangent in his own mind, he finished the rest of the dishes before placing them back in the cabinets before snatching up his own plate and fork, and dragging his feet over to the couch in the living room. Plopping down on the couch, he placed his plate onto the coffee table before opening up his mouth to call out to his roommates, only for a deep yawn to take the places of a proper announcement. Did today really take that much out of him? Outside of the morning, it wasn't really a tiring day. Hm, maybe he would nap, just for a few minutes, reclining down onto the couch, letting his eyelids fall. [hr] Alex blinked. It felt like barely even a second as his eyes fluttered open, mildly flinching from the sudden awakening from his slumber, or was he still asleep. Looking down, he brought up one of his hands to stare at it, opening and closing it before taking a gander at the other. Squinting, he furrowed his brows a bit as he finished moving his other hand, surveying the vicinity. At first glance, he deduced that he was in some sort of subway, as well as was under the belief that this was some sort of lucid dream. Looking to one side, he took note that apparently he was dreaming of Ava, who was about a meter away. Twisting his head to the other side, he let out an exasperated sigh - the Fedoramancer was here also. Slumping his shoulders, he shrugged, pondering if their actions from today were the sole reason he was thinking of them before pivoting and glancing behind him. Smoke. Mist. Or maybe just a fog? It mattered little what it was to him, as it looked to be thick enough to the point where it appeared there were more layers to it. As curious as he was about wandering off since this was his dream, something nagged at him in the back of his mind told the boy it was a bad idea. With nothing else left to stare at, he turned his nonchalant gaze back to the tracks. Peering over the side into the tunnels, there was a slight curiosity dancing in his head; were they waiting for something? Was something up ahead? What were they waiting for exactly? His questions would receive answer as he blinked once again, his ears perking up to the smooth, yet soft hum of a machine. It was faint, but grew from its muted state before the lights finally cut through the hazy tunnels as a blue bullet train flew into the station. Taking a step back, Alex shielded his eyes from the onslaught of blue that flooded his vision before moving his are to take a gander at this train. However, it seems he wasn't going to be given any time as the sounds of what sounded like girl erupted from the speakers. [color=f26522]"The Velvet Station?"[/color] Well, if he was going to see where this dream lead, he would follow onward, not even hesitating for a brief second, looking to his side as the duo entered in with him. What he came face to face with, well. This was going to be fairly mild as he stared at the man with the bloodshot eyes and ungodly long nose; it was so ridiculously long that, on reflex, he lifted his arm up to smell it before putting it down. Of course, what his eyes were drawn next were to the... girl; yeah, she's definitely a girl. [i][color=f26522]"She's cute."[/color][/i] Alex appeared mostly unfazed, not even thinking too much about the implications of a desk being in the midst of this corridor, much less how spacious it was when put into perspective. Walking down the aisle, he took a seat near the mysterious duo, not really paying too much attention to Ava or Hat-ache. As they both introduced themselves, Alex cracked a small smile, even giggling a bit without realizing it at the girls antics. At least he had an idea of the names of these two - the nose knows is Igor and the delightful attendant is Amari. In any case, the former extended an offering to the trio, allowing them to freely speak their mind. And this was not something he was going to pass up. [color=f26522]"Roight' then, pleasha' t'meet ya guv,"[/color] he spoke with an over-the-top cockney accent, smiling widely at the man with the nose before turning to look at the girl, [color=f26522]"as well as tis't meetcha luv'; cheers![/color] He smiled before holding a fist up and clearing his throat. [color=f26522]"He he, couldn't help it; her introduction [i]waaaaaaas[/i] pretty charming after all,"[/color] he chuckled, spreading his arms on the seat and taking up a whole lot of space as he crossed one of his legs on his lap. He appeared at peace as he closed his eyes, listening to the sounds of a woman and piano echo in the background. [color=f26522]"Eeeehhhyyin any case... where are we going and why exactly are we here?"[/color]