Name: Hiroki Yawaraka Superhero Alias: ...Pilow Man…(maybe pillow talk) Superhero status: Aspiring Student Age: 14 Quirk Name: Pillow Quirk Ability: Pillow Fort. He can transform his muscles into a pillow substance to protect people. He is extremely durable. The stronger his muscle, the softer the pillow muscle feels. The longer he uses his quirk. The muscles stiffen so he can’t move. It looks like he is doing muscular poses, but he can’t move. It lasts at minimum for 15 minutes. Looks: [url][/url] Brief Bio: Hiroki is a support hero to be. He is the middle of three. His mother, father, and older sister are part of a hero team that attack villains head on. He is considered a failure in his family because his muscles can’t be used for attacking, but only for defense. The only one who seems to care is his little sister. In his pastime, he uses his quirk to make himself a comfy chair for her to read in. He would do anything for her. If only his family would see the great thing his power could become.