Breathing heavily Herito sits at his desk grinning excitedly as he analyzes he fellow classmates. “ Selena what a pretty girl I see her quirk matches her features well. Her potential is very high but the strain it takes on her can be fatal in battle. Kazama seems a bit more mature and comfortable with his quirk now. It’s been a few years since I’ve seen him glad he’s getting out from under her shadow. Yin and her rifts would be great for ambushes and rescues but I wonder just how many ppl can she actually fit in her rifts. Bubble girl ain’t to shabby either with enough training on her lungs she could possibly have a nearly impenetrable defense. Those to shadow users are kinda useless while the sun is out it’s like they’re vampires I guess they could have someone conjure up clouds or carry some sunblock or a transforming cloak that grows bigger” As tokiko was showing off her quirk she immediately catches Herito’s attention. “ well well looks like the one I truly have to watch out for is eyepatch. Not only is she physically fit looks like she has a precognition type quirk, those things can be tricky to fight against especially if they play mind games saying they can read your thoughts. Oh what lovely classmates I’ve been blessed with I can hardly control my excitement.” Just then tokiko pulls out a tan trench coat 🧥 to cover her head. Herito immediately notices it and begins to breath even harder. “Oh my so she the one that I left it with the other night wait did she just drop it. Oh that’s right she can see the future I wonder if I’m gonna do something to creep her out I guess I’ll try and calm down now. Taking a hentai mag out his bag while covering it up with a science book he preceded to calm himself til his name was called