As Argen began preparing his stew he pulled out some strange mushrooms and some strange vial of something. As he was about to add some of the strange greenish liquid in he heard Renauld come over and began speaking. Argen put away the vial and faced his companion. He offered to give some meat for some stew, an offer Argen couldn't refuse as he shakes his head, [color=silver]"Deal"[/color]. As Argen took some of the meat and began cooking it in the stew. Hmm, actual meat what a nice thing. Especially in a stew, what a great thing indeed. All Argen has been eating was was jerky, some died potatoes, and the alcohol that can be bought in his guild. Sadly they put some other shit in it and call it a 'Hemlock', it tastes like the ass of a cow. Yet it has many benefits that are adventitious for Phalanxes finding themselves in the wild: it boosts metabolic process, helps grow the immune system, and gets you drunk. Sadly he was running out and would begin to switch to his...alternative options. Argen wasn't thinking about that right now as all he wanted was some nice warm stew and some of his 'Hemlock' to warm up for the night before he passes out for his watch in the morning.